Daylight Saving, Issue 1: Part 4.1
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Panel 1: A few minutes later, in the bedroom, they load up a pair of suitcases for the journey to come. You can see the nerves start rising steadily within Brie's stomach.
Panel 2: With the cases full and on the side of the bed, the young person makes their way to a safe placed right next to the closet; their upstage left hand stimming to their side.
(glances at the ceiling, to Jodw) Run pre-test diagnostics, Jodie.
(Off-Panel, from the ceiling; to Brie) Okay, Mx. Benoit. I'm going to take a guess, giving your stimming, something Millie said at your party affected you to run these diagnostics again.
Panel 3: Action shot of Mx. Benoit going through the keypad lock to the safe a short time later.
A little, I'll admit. Mostly, I just want to stumble into a last-minute problem that kiboshes the machine. Or--
(interjecting, Off-Panel) It's quite alright to just be fearful of your life.
(Bubble 2) ...
Panel 4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The lock beeps right at the end of the sentence; the safe door slowly opening up.
Panel 5: We see them pull out a compact disc with the words "FIRST STANZA" in black marker snuggly placed in a see-through CD-R case.
(Off-Panel, from the ceiling) Don't forget to pack the Nighttime Ritual before you leave.
(raised eyebrow, slightly defensive) I didn't forget to pack. I just...I'm not sure how exactly I could make it work with uber ancient tech.
Panel 6: A few steps in, with the CD in their right hand the proverbial lightbulb emerges over Brie's head as they hear the response from the faceless A.I.
(Off-Panel, from the ceiling) If I'm not mistaken, the holographic projector is portable, with a solar charger to boot.
(personal groan, to themself; palm to face)
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Panel 1: A short time later, we see Mx. Benoit with their tool kit detaching the holographic projector in the living room and taking out a metal cylinder containing the respective file on Anya.
(Off-Panel, from the receiver) To very little surprise, the Burnham's functioning and ship-shape. Hopefully, that settles any latent anxieties you may have about the journey.
Some of them, yeah. Hard to settle the natural, baseline stuff.
(Bubble 2, Off-Panel) True, true...
Panel 2: Brie hops off moments later, wrapped toolkit firmly gripped in their left hand; the data tube in the right hand as they speak.
(deep sigh) ...Let the fun begin!
Panel 3: We jump to their laboratory a short time later, showing the young person placing the ancient camera down on the center of the time platform.
Panel 4: Moments later, at the control keypad, Brie types up the respective date for this particular trial run.
November 12, 1992. An odd choice of date, given that not a lot of historical moments occurred then.
Panel 5: A second after typing the date in, Brie glances up with a knowing smirk as the machine starts to power up off-panel. You can see a "FWWORP!" sound-effect pop up in the lower corner of the panel, providing a clue to the statement.
There was one pretty fabulous one you're missing.
(Off-Panel, from the ceiling) That was...not clarifying to me.
(Bubble 2) Story of my life!