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Daylight Saving, Issue 2: Part 1.2

Page 27

Panel 1: A few days later, Mx. Benoit is seated on the bed in the apartment they were able to buy, writing out the rest of the diary entry.


362 Days Till Slingshot Back


(Cont., Brie)

"Who knows, maybe I might find someone here to reach people. But I don't wanna presume too much just yet. Right now, I'd love to just find a venue to get the word out on the First Stanza."

Panel 2: Brie stops writing and glances up at the sound of a rustling doorknob from the front door.

Panel 3: They look over at the partially opened door in the early evening sky to spot a flier placed on the doorknob for a rock concert for a local band Saturday night at a nightclub.

Panel 4: Mx. Benoit quickly skims the flier's contents standing in the middle of the doorway; a look of genuine intrigue on their face, taking in the options before them.


Hmmm...could work. But might be tough to hit the stage without getting--well, hit.

Panel 5: They cross back through the apartment's living room minutes later toward the kitchen; a slight glint of light from the ceiling light illuminating the area.


(Off-Panel) He's been hailed as the "Republican Party's best hope to win the White House."


(annoyed thought bubble) Speaking of things I'd like to hit!

Page 28

Panel 1: From a boxy TV in the living room, we see a snapshot at the 17 second mark of a Bush 2000 primary ad from Iowa.


(Cont.) As Governor, he signed the largest tax cut in Texas history...


(over the dialogue, Off-Panel) I know the big goal was not to change the timeline outside of the environment, but...the temptation there.

Panel 2: We jump to another snapshot from the same ad at the 25 second mark.


(Cont., Off-Panel) The wars he caused, the division his policies as well as his subordinates helped sew in this country...I could set all of that right with a few words to the Washington Post.

Panel 3: As before, we move to another snapshot from the ad at the 30 second mark.


(Cont., Off-Panel) Or to the Al Gore campaign. One would think what I know could result in 100,000 more voters there.

Panel 4: We finalize things near the end of the ad, at 36 seconds, showing George W. Bush in schmoozing profile; the first bit of dialogue from the ad popping in since the top of the page.


George W. Bush- A Compassionate Conservative, A Fresh Start for America.


(Cont., Off-Panel) Goddess knows it'd be fitting.

Panel 5: Back to a shot of Brie after the ad ends, after taking a sip from a glass of milk in the middle of their thought.


(shrugs) Best to stick with the plan, in case somehow it ends horribly. Who knows though...


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