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Daylight Saving, Issue 2: Part 2.2

Page 33

Panel 1: Inside the office of a travel agency somewhere in the city, JESSE is looking over different hotel listings on his computer monitor; the phone pressed to his right ear.


You wanna buy a hotel room this close to the Big Game? We're booked up here, Miss...


(from the receiver) Mx., actually.


(Bubble 2) Miss...! There is one vacancy at another hotel about half an hour from the stadium. I should warn you though- you are gonna have to pay a pretty penny for it.

Panel 2: Back at the apartment, Brie shrugs at the warning with understandable nonchalance. You can see the sound effect of clicking keystrokes from the other end of the phone.


(curious) How much of a "pretty penny?"


(from the receiver) Hmmm, let's see...

Panel 3: Close-up on the sales agent a few moments later, spotting the price in question. You can see part of the phone poking through to the right of the panel view.


(Cont.) About $1,200 a night. So, about $10-15,000 if you're planning to arrive tomorrow and really enjoy some of the city's pregame--


(from the receiver) I only plan to be there for a few nights. So I could live with that.


(Bubble 2) Splendid. Let me get in touch with the hotel to get all that set up. Just give me one...

Panel 4: A few minutes later, his casual demeanor is disrupted by a change in status from the computer screen.


Few Minutes Later


(Cont.. saddened) Oh, bad news Miss.


(from the receiver) What?


(Bubble 2) The listing just filled up. I'm so sorry.

Panel 5: Back to Brie in the same setting/layout as Panel 3. They appear quite surprised at the development.


Really? That's incredibly quick.


(from the receiver) That's the Super Bowl for ya. You could try a travel agency, but you'll probably end up the same way.


(Bubble 2) I see...Thank you.

(thought bubble) Annoying. But I don't have to deal with massive crowds of people, so--tiny win there.

Panel 6: Mx. Benoit hangs the phone up a few moments later, lowering the cell phone to their side as they come up with Plan B via a station ID that flashes on TV.


(Cont., thought bubble) Especially as an interesting alternative has come into play.

Page 34

Panel 1: The following morning, Brie walks over to an internet cafe within walking distance of the apartment.


(Cont., Brie thought bubble)

"Good time to peruse this internet cafe I passed by a few days ago."

Panel 2: Minutes later, the young person is sitting at one of the computer stations. They look around the general area as the Internet slowly loads up.

Panel 3: A snapshot a second later of the few dozen people in the cafe around Brie, going about their own respective bits of life.


(Off-Panel) Okay. No one's paying a great deal of attention to me right now.

Panel 4: Action shot of Mx. Benoit reaching into a particular pocket of their purse a beat later in order to grab an unseen device a few beats later.


(Cont.) Time for me to take out one of my little toys from back in 2100.

Panel 5: A few moments later, we see them holding a bulky looking circular USB drive just before they...


(Cont., thought bubble) Here's hoping the IT of this age is just as pitiful as the history books make it. Otherwise, my sense of anonymity will be toast, quicker than I'd desire.

Panel 6: ...connect the device to a nearby USB port underneath the monitor; the same level of nerves on their face that we saw in the previous panel.


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