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Daylight Saving, Issue 2: Part 3.2

Page 39

Panel 1: Brie nervously tenses upon seeing Kayla's outstretched hand; their hand squeezing the purse strap.


I'm Cabriena, though friends call--call me Brie. Not that I think we'll be friends, though I would very much like to meet you...


(Off-Panel) Oh, wow, um...sorry. I can see I'm stressing you out.

Panel 2: Back to Ms. Prince who begins to turn away, flashing some awkward energy of her own as she speaks.


(Cont.) I love your name, by the way. It was nice meeting--


(Off-Panel, interjecting) WAIT!

Panel 3: Back to Mx. Benoit in the same setting/layout as Panel 1. They break through the awkward anxiety a few moments later, letting flow the full force of their inner monologue.


(Cont., super fast) IthasnothingtodowithyouIhappentothinkyou'reanincrediblystunningwomanI wanttogettoknowmoreofIjustI'mautisticandhappentonotbethebiggestfanofhumantouchand--


(Off-Panel, interjecting) Whoa, rev it down a few notches! I think I get it now.

Panel 4: Back to Kayla again, now standing a few feet in front of our protagonist; the loving/flirty look returning to her face as she speaks.


(Cont.) And for what it's worth, I happen to think you're pretty stunning Ms. Cabriena.


(Off-Panel) Mx. You can call me Brie, by the way.


(Bubble 2) Mx. Brie...very nice to meet you.


(Bubble 2, Off-Panel) ...Same!

Panel 5: Another agonizingly long minute passes, and the awkward spirit returns as each side waits for the other to act.


So, ummm...


(interjecting) 8 o'clock Friday night, dinner and a movie- sound good?


(Bubble 2) For...?


(Bubble 2) Our date, of course. I presumed that was the endgame of all this--

Panel 6: Slight close-up on Mx. Benoit, noticeably blushing with excitement at the word "date" in the previous line.


Yeah, sure. That'd--That'd be awesome!

Page 40

Panel 1: After writing her phone number down a minute later, she hands Brie the folded up note.


Fantastic. You can call me later to settle what you wanna see then.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 2, Bubble 1) Sounds good. See ya Friday.

Panel 2: Brie coyly looks at the beautiful woman just as she leaves off-panel, pocketing the number in their purse; their face a slightly darker shade of red compared to the end of the previous panel.


Actually, I--I don't have a phone number. But I'll quickly get one the moment I leave.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 1, Bubble 2) See ya...!

Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. With the cool Kayla out of view, they let out a barely contained squeal of joy; both of their hands balled into fists.


(Cont., to herself) EEEEEE! Never in a million years did I think I'd find a romantic connection here in the year 2000. Especially someone who's that understanding of who I am and is that gorgeous...

Panel 4: A sudden realization dawns on Mx. Benoit a beat later, dampening the exuberance from the previous panel ever so slightly.


Oh balls, what if she asks where I'm from, who my parents are, all that deep life stuff? There's no way I can go into all that without letting loose I'm from the future.

(Bubble 2) ...For another day!

Panel 5: Back at the apartment shortly after the internet cafe (and remnants of lunch), Brie examines the printed map and comes up with a plan.


(Cont., Brie)

"There's too much about the plan to really stress over that part. Once it starts to bear fruit, then I can tell her."


Kind of reminds me of the Power Company back at G-City.


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