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Daylight Saving, Issue 2: Part 4.3

Page 47

Panel 1: Brie immediately clams up in the middle of their explanation, scared at that point they might accidentally blurt something out about the future.


(thought bubble) Oh God...!

Panel 2: The layout of the setting widens to take in Kayla in the panel right area, looking on with confusion and some understanding. As in the previous panel, the rest of the theme music plays on off-panel.



Sorry. I get a bit...uber nerdy when it comes to time travel. Not to mention how you moved closer to me it kinda--freaked me out.


No worries. I should've asked, given your autism and the thing.


(Bubble 2) How did you know I'm a virgin?


(Bubble 2) Kid of a Sex Ed teacher- gives me a bit of a sixth sense to it. Is it a religious thing, or...?

Panel 3: Brie shakes their head confidently, summoning as much courage as they possibly could in regards to what they're gonna say next.


(interjecting) Actually, it's 'cause I'm Asexual.

Panel 4: We jump to the first commercial break a few minutes later. Kayla glances over at Mx. Benoit lovingly; the second bubble inspired by one of the commercials to ask one particular question.


(bubbling over) It means I don't have a great desire for sex, though aesthetically I can find someone- in my case, women- quite attractive. If it's a dealbreaker, I'd--


(interjecting) I know what Asexual means. I'm happy to see the full, beautiful you...and it's absolutely not a dealbreaker for me.


(relieved,Bubble 2) ...Great!


(Bubble 2) Anyway, I don't know what you think about football. But some friends of mine are hosting a Super Bowl party,'s okay if you've got something else then.


(Bubble 3) Actually, I do have something then.

Panel 5: Close-up on Brie a few moments later, turning their attention toward their romantic partner with a clarifying look on their face.


(Cont.) Normally, I'd be more than happy to join, especially if the party has somewhere I can relax if I'm feeling overwhelmed. It's just...


(Off-Panel) No worries. Outside of the Halftime Show, probably won't be that great a game anyway.


(Bubble 2) I'd be happy to do something the day after, if you're open.


(Bubble 2, Off-Panel) Sure. Yeah...

Panel 6: Flash forward to Super Bowl Sunday, showing Brie seated in the middle of the bus as it makes their way toward the ABC Los Angeles office. They're slowly typing a text to Kayla in the text bubble.


(via text bubble) Hey! I had a great night last week watching Voyager. There was something else I wanted to tell you. Well, two things...

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Panel 1: Action shot of Mx. Benoit stepping off the bus a short time later, activating the Glossy in the midst of the crowd; a burst of energy that will soon envelop them just beginning to set out around the young person.


(Cont., Brie; text bubble)

"First...I Love You! More than any person I've ever met, since the very first millisecond that we met. I thought, given what's about to happen in a few weeks, it seemed the right time to say it. Secondly, there's another bit about myself I haven't mentioned- there will be a person on the broadcast claiming to be from the year 2100. Their face will be blurred, but...that person is me.."

Panel 2: We move to a shot of the enveloped young person, blending in amongst some of the workers entering the TV station a few moments later.


(Cont., Brie; text bubble)

"The proof I can give you is connected to the Super Bowl, particularly sometime late in the 2nd quarter. The Rams should be driving for their 3rd field goal of the half, give or take a few minutes, that'll then go into Halftime and the reason why I'm here in the year 2000."

Panel 3: Inside the bullpen a short time later, Brie slips through the barely opened door leading to the studio. You can see one of the techs moving past them without noticing the young person.


(thought bubble) Phew! Thank the Goddess...


(Cont., Brie; text bubble)

"My feelings for you, my parents, my autism and the hard upbringing that came with it- all of those things remain absolutely true."

Panel 4: Action shot of the young person a few moments later, quickly making their way toward the production bay.


(Cont., Brie; text bubble)

"The only difference is that my birthday technically won't happen for another 77 years, and that my birthplace- Gerwig City- exists off the coast of Los Angeles."

Panel 5: Brie, standing in front of one of the CD drivers, reaches into their purse to pull out one of their CDs to slip inside. You can see the outline of the activated Glossy device around them.


(Cont., Brie; text bubble)

"I'll tell you any questions you might have about my mission as well as any others you may have at my apartment after the game, if you still feel this is worth it. I pray to whoever's up there that you will. I didn't tell you this weeks before when we met because...I didn't know if you were someone I could trust with it."

Panel 6: Just as the young person is pulling the disc out, they glance over to one of the screens off-panel left that are playing the game.


(Cont., Brie; text bubble)

"But that night, I realized that...I can trust you with this. More than anyone who isn't related by blood."


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