Daylight Saving, Issue 3: Part 1.2
Page 53
Panel 1: In their respective mailbox, showing Brie from behind, you can see a sizable stack of letters just beginning to get pulled out.
(thought bubble) Smells normal. Nothing that could be perceived as a racist hate letter or a ticking bomb...
Panel 2: The young person's eyes shift up slightly from the mail stack a few moments later at the sound of camera snapping as they're heading back to their apartment.
(thought bubble 2) ...Spoke too soon!
Panel 3: Cut to a shot of what caught Brie's eye in the previous panel- a paparazzo named Jonah- seated at a couch in the lobby; a camera resting on their lap.
(Cont. Off-Panel, to Jonah) Don't you usually harass the rich and famous?
There's some word about Piper Perabo coming out of the gym around 1. So figured, given I'm in the neighborhood, might as well shore up my rent by revealing the woman behind that big Super Bowl hack.
(Bubble 2) I'm sorry to say that you've barked up the wrong...
Panel 4: An interesting idea pops up in Mx. Benoit's head within the brief pause between this panel and the previous one.
(Cont.) Actually. What if I can give you something a little more worthwhile?
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 5, Bubble 1) [ANNOYED SIGH] It's not that- nor is such a thing as disgusting as you think it is. I'm talking about something that'll get you some notice outside of the celebrity magazines you frequent.
Panel 5: Back to Jonah in a slight close-up, reacting with some intrigue and a dash of apprehension connected to a thought of what the young person might be talking about.
Not really into that gay stuff. But I know someone who might be willing to...
Panel 6: Cut to a photograph of Brie taken in a popular gossip magazine outside a gas station. They're wearing a nice T-Shirt and a long skirt with a pair of Fila sneakers on, holding a large sign underneath the section highlighting the $1.51 price for Unleaded with the words "How Long Can You Depend On That? Electrify Now!"
(Brie, thought bubble)
"I hope Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone can forgive me for cribbing from them though."
294 Days Till Slingshot Back
Page 54
Panel 1: We see the photo highlighted on the bottom corner of a People magazine cover highlighting "TV's Wedding Fiasco" underneath photos of Harrison Ford, David Letterman and the Backstreet Boys.
Panel 2: The layout widens a little more, showing off more of the magazines and newspapers laid out at a Newsstand in the city. Some of them also have Brie's photos on their front pages, while others share it with photos of Al Gore and George W. Bush.
(Off-Panel) Gore vs. Bush- the Robot vs. the Yuppie Cowboy...Democracy in Action!
Panel 3: At a table in the Food Court near that newsstand, we see DINA ARTHUR chatting over a cup of coffee and a danish; a copy of the L.A. Times on the table in front of her.
(Cont.) Is it too much to have a choice for President that doesn't make me nauseous?
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 4, Bubble 1) At least Nader's speaking about the environment.
Panel 4: On the other end of that table, we see KYM CLARKSON lightly chuckling with agreement at the question, holding her own cup of coffee as she speaks. You can see some people behind her chatting in the background.
Like Nader's any better? Girl, we've never ever really had a great choice for President since Kennedy. Just big wrinkly buckets of mayo who love money and power more than their constituents.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 3, Bubble 2) Maybe. He also says a lot of crap about gay people that makes me wanna kick his balls into his mouth...!
Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Ms. Clarkson takes a quick sip of the coffee; her eyes noticing something at the nearby Newsstand that catches her eye.
(excited) Ah, the new Black Panther comic's out.
Panel 6: Action shot of Kym a short time later, picking up Black Panther #16 from one of the respective racks that are filled with Batman, Superman, Justice League, etc.; her opposite hand holding copies of X-Men #98, Daredevil #10 and Amazing Spider-Man #15.
"I can't believe you still read those stupid kiddie books!"
"Dude, I take whatever joys this piece of crap world provides."