Daylight Saving, Issue 3: Part 1.3
Page 55
Panel 1: We move to a shot of the two of them exiting the food court- respective suitcases gripped in hand- and through the rest of the mall back to work.
(Cont., proudly
defensive) I know they're white as hell, and all the women (outside of Storm) look like they're wearing things that'd rip to shreds if they ever sat down. But there's a joy and a hope for what the world can be that makes dealing with daft ******* Congresscritters a little more bearable!
I'd counter wine and/or a booty call has the same effect, Kym.
Panel 2: A two-part set of panels, moving on to a close-up of Kym a beat later. She highlights the level of pride and snark on her face to her friend as she speaks.
True. But my way avoids the pain in the ass hangover that comes afterward.
Panel 3: In the second part, as Dina chimes in with her counter, Kym's beeper goes off which focuses her attention down and to the right toward her purse.
(Off-Panel) Not if you're doing it properly...
Panel 4: Dina looks on a few moments later, watching as Ms. Clarkson pulls her pager out in order to check the message out.
(Cont., curious) Work emergency?
Panel 5: Back to Kym skimming the rest of the message from her pager while also addressing her friend.
(shakes her head) Remember the gal who kinda hijacked the Super Bowl little over a month?
(Off-Panel) The supposed gal- no one knows whether or not Brie's a dude or a woman.
(Bubble 2) Right, right. Apparently, after their gas station stunt, Boss wants me to talk to them and set up some type of collaboration.
Page 56
Panel 1: Same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. She looks up from the pager (which she's about to pocket), raising a skeptical eyebrow at the request and holding a chuckle back as she replies.
(Cont.) It's nuts, I know. Why should Greenpeace put in so much effort to someone who may not even exist?
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 2, Bubble 1) ...Possibly.
Panel 2: Dina smirks at the question, playing the proverbial optimist as she replies earnestly.
Do you think Brie's an actual person?
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 1, Bubble 2) Then what exactly do you have to lose here, Kymmie? I mean, the movement's not exactly brimming with friends thanks to those ELF freaks. Whether they're real or something from Luc Besson's imagination, they could still improve perceptions in the public about the Green movement. And maybe even get some movement in D.C.
Panel 3: Kym partly agrees with the summation, though adds on a bit of reality connected to the end of it.
That'd be nice. We're still gonna have to deal with the knuckle dragging bigots and climate deniers who are gonna come out of the woodwork.
Panel 4: Back to Dina who shrugs off the point her friend made as she charges in with the rest of her larger point.
And as long as I've known you, when has that ever been a drawback?
Panel 5: Finally, Kym comes back with a dismissive shrug as the pair near the mall entrance; the glare of the light coming in from off-panel right.
Alright, D, you make a convincing case. Any idea how am I gonna get in touch with this person?
Panel 6: Ms. Arthur at the same moment, with the same light scheme that hit Dina in the previous panel, pops back with a confident part of a plan in play.
Girlfriend of mine works for PacBell- should at least determine whether this "Brie" lives in L.A.