Daylight Saving, Issue 3: Part 2.3
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Panel 1: We move to a shot of Brie taking a seat back at their table in a quieter part of the bar, talking to Kayla on the opposite side of said table; the purse off their shoulder, and heading down to the floor next to them.
A little of the first and third thing- I think? The Advocate wants to interview me.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 2, Bubble 1) No, I was able to get them to agree to no photos. I told 'em I'd be open to doing it though in a few weeks or a month, once my schedule clears up.
Panel 2: Kayla is pleasantly surprised by the bit of news, holding the edge of her cocktail glass as she speaks.
That's great news, hon! They want you to reveal your identity though?
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 1, Bubble 2) Good idea, especially given your...conversational shortcomings.
Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel, showing the young woman taking a sip of her drink a few moments later. In the background above her head, you can see snapshots of counterexamples to Brie's overall point highlighting the young person's penchance for awkward silence and ducking one lingering question.
Panel 4: A few minutes elapse, and we see Kayla place the glass back onto the tabletop; her face shifting toward a degree of seriousness, connected to said question.
We can start brushing up on them now by addressing why you've been ducking any sexual situation we've been in for the past month.
(Off-Panel) I have? Huh...I have!
(Bubble 2) Yeah. Is it about me? Is it something about the timeline, about a dark part from your past you--?
Panel 5: Back to a shot of Mx. Benoit, displaying the same level of optimism that they did at the top of the page as they fire back along with an apologetic tone. In the background, you can hear musical notes belonging to a base guitar emanating from the off-panel stage.
(interjecting) I'm sorry for the avoidance, first of all. It's not an intentional thing and has absolutely nothing to do with you. It's...more nerves and insecurity on my end, connected to one thing
(Off-Panel) What?
(Bubble 2, slightly muted by the music) I'm...I'm Asexual.
Panel 6: Kayla looks on a few moments later, showing less anxiety and shock at the news and more...
Yeah. That--That tracks!
Page 62
Panel 1: A wide shot of the table, capturing a snapshot of the greater conversation as the music from the band filters through from panel right to panel left. The whole of the dialogue in this sequence, taking place over a few minutes, is framed like a text window from 2000.
(Cont.) Fascinating. Kinda jealous your coming out was so uneventful though. Some of my friends...
I've heard, yeah. I got lucky growing up in a slightly more tolerant society when it came to sexuality.
(Bubble 2) Nice to know it happens...and not surprised it takes the end of the world for it to happen. I'm curious about one bit: how did you know you're interested in women, if sex isn't important for you?
(Bubble 2) Wasn't that different to how you knew you were into women. The only difference was I loved the full spectrum- aesthetically, spiritually, and emotionally- of the volleyball player I fell for, rather than just the physical. No offense intended, of course.
(Bubble 2) None taken. I can see what you're thinking. So, I'm guessing you don't...pleasure yourself?
(Bubble 2) You mean masturbate? Of course I do- that was a helpful factor to determine how I liked women! I primarily use it as a stress reliever whenever the world gets to be too much.
Panel 2: We jump to a little bit into the future, showing Kayla chuckling at the comment; her hand on the bottom of the glass, gripping it slightly.
(side nod) Never would've considered that.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 3, Bubble 1) Dude, we've already had this conversation- you know my answer! Besides, this isn't that hard of a problem to fix. You ever heard of polyamory? A friend of mine's been in a pretty good throuple for a...
Panel 3: After a brief pause, the contained anxiety Mx. Benoit had been holding through the brief conversation is let out as they speak.
Yeah. I--I'd understand if that's too much for you.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 2, Bubble 2) Oh yeah, I've heard of that. I'd be open to that, though it might be difficult to find a willing third, given the time travel aspect as well as my...unique brain.
Panel 4: Kayla reaches out and grabs Brie's hand a beat later, pausing the nervous rambling string right then and there.
(Off-Panel) Hey...we don't have to solve it now!
Panel 5: Close-up on the young woman's face a split second after that with a clearly reassuring look on her face, designed to soothe her partner's feelings. There are the sounds of commotion coming from off-panel right, though they're not loud enough to break through the touching moment.
(Cont., lovingly) Let's just enjoy the coffee and the rest of the evening. There are still months before you have to head back, right?
(Off-Panel) Yeah...
(Bubble 2) We'll find our happy balance. I know it.