Daylight Saving, Issue 3: Part 4.1
Page 69
Panel 1: Kym nods in partial agreement as the two of them settle in line at one of the concession booths. You can see part of Brie's side shadow in the foreground of the shot.
I am, actually. All I've had since 1 o’clock was a sub and some of those god awful Olestra chips. Wouldn't mind something in the greasy french fry family...!
Panel 2: Her train of thought is disrupted a few moments later, spying Brie's debit card on display in their right hand.
(Cont., puzzled)
A credit card? Not exactly 22nd century chic, dude. We got plenty of those here, too.
Not like this one...
Panel 3: We move to a shot of Mx. Benoit a beat later, moving slowly toward the front of the line as they speak; their thumb moving to a point on one of the lower corners of the card.
This credit card was specially made to summon money by mere thought. It was created in the late 2050s for a mega billionaire Silicon Valley tycoon with $1 billion dollars in some type of Digicoin- a bit irrelevant to mention which one at this point. He was hoping to use the money to rebuild society as a "God-King," but an angry mob boarded the mega yacht he was hiding out in and he ended up chum for a family of whales...
Panel 4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A split second later, a $20 bill appears on the top of the card just as the young person finishes their point.
...leaving the pretty relic behind for future generations- namely me- to find as their own.
Panel 5: Ms. Clarkson looks at the action with mouth agape shock, struggling to come up with the words to describe it. Behind her though, via the crackle of invisible energy, is the visualization of those words: "HOOOLLLLY SHIT!"
Page 70
Panel 1: We end up on the same look of shock on Kym's face as was the case in the last panel of the previous page, though with a background that is a blur to denote the ever speeding passage of time taking place as she thinks up a storm.
Panel 2: Placed in the top right corner of Panel 1 is a list titled "Conversation Topics." There are things like Concert Stuff, Politics, Pronouns, Number of People who Know, and Greenpeace Offer that show up on it. With each one, you can see one point continuously trying to squeeze in between each one with no success- Dream Job.
Panel 3: The passage of time ends, bringing her to a Jack-in-the-Box post-concert; a somewhat drunk Oreo cookie milkshake gripped in her right hand, listening to Mx. Benoit speak.
You want me as some type of spokesperson for Greenpeace?
Not a spokesperson, per se. It would be more of a...freelance collaborator.
Panel 4: Brie senses a different meaning underneath the last two words of that statement; the straw up toward their lips as they speak.
Sounds closer to one of those subhuman mascot things that linger around the sidelines of football games.
Panel 5: Kym chuckles and gives a side nod to the sentiment, replying with a touch of understanding that pops up in her clarification.
Not wrong. The difference here is you can help illuminate environmental policy not just to the public, but to the politicians charged with making them. I gotta imagine that’s been a pain in the ass to break through.
Panel 6: A two-part set of panels that starts out with the young person taking a sip from their shake as they're listening.
Another plus is you wouldn't have to be in the office all the time. Just the occasional pop-in to go over strategy. At least that's how the boss told it to me...
Panel 7: In the second one, a split second later, Mx. Benoit chimes in with a point as the cup lowers back to the table.
Definitely fascinating. But--I might be wrong thinking this. Making assumptions for me is pretty much 50/50.
What is it?
(Bubble 2)
It...It kinda sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself of the idea just as much me; that you may have something better to offer.
(Bubble 2, Off-Panel)
Quite perceptive, Mx. Benoit