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Daylight Saving, Issue 3: Part 4.3

Page 73

Panel 1: Brie quickly turns to their purse and pulls out a spare receipt that had taken up residence there for awhile, along with a pen.


Well, you’d still be able to keep your position. I'd request a degree of independence in my endeavors and request your assistance to join me, given how much of a valuable asset you would be. Which would be the truth 'cause I genuinely believe you are precisely that.

Panel 2: Placed in the middle of the table, scribbling up a storm as they speak, the first part of the idea appears- an image of Brie and Kym shaking hands with Kym's boss.



Given how desirous you say they are of me, I'd imagine they'd be perfectly amenable to that arrangement. 

(Bubble 2)

Afterwards, using a piece of my considerable finances, we'd purchase a modest bit of office space somewhere in the city.

Panel 3: Kym chimes in a few moments later, coming up with a suggestion amidst the brainstorming session.


Interesting. It should be in a blue collar area of the city, within distance of public transportation. We should give off the vibe that whatever this becomes is finely tuned to the needs of regular folk.

Panel 4: Brie nods in agreement, pausing their scribbles a beat later to give their work partner the proper attention.


Agreed. You have any potential sites in mind?

Panel 5: Back to Ms. Clarkson pondering the idea as she lifts her cup for one last sip. You can see the perfect idea already on the top of her tongue as she speaks.


I do, yeah...

Page 74

Panel 1: We open on a daytime shot of a three story office building in Pico-Union; a smattering of traffic moving by in the lower left of the panel. 



"The town’s named after a street intersection?" 



"Yeah, not exactly the greatest origin story. But Pico-Union's much cooler than it’s weird origin, and it's not that far from Century City..."



"Works for me, if we can purchase it."



"With that card of yours, I doubt it'll be a big problem."

Panel 2: A few blocks from this scene, a ratty used van drives up with a seedy individual at the wheel. You can partly see a group of other seedy individuals from a little window into the backseat.


(Cont., Kym)

"Speaking of big problems, we should talk about the security situation when all this comes together. You've seen how angry those Bible Bros got."  



"Good thinking. I've got the perfect way from the future that should assist that matter- hopefully.”

Panel 3: As the van crosses minutes later toward the scene in question, you can see a pair of metal dots cross into view in the top right corner of the panel.


(Cont., Brie)

”Normally, it's used to help reset a section of electric grids whenever it'd go hazy."

Panel 4: The dots release a bright white color down on the street below, freezing the van in place.


(Cont., Brie)

"But it should work well for basic security purposes, with some mods." 

Panel 5: The driver barges out of the vehicle a few moments later, looking up at the sky; his eyes filled with all kinds of rage at the development. You can see a car driving up to the same position, honking incredulously.



”Cool, cool...So, we're really gonna do this."

Page 75

Panel 1: Back in the restaurant, Mx. Benoit nods and glances over at a point at the end of the table in thought; a glint of nerves in their eyes, stimming off-panel as they speak. 


I feel like we should put some type of finishing touch, like in the movies.

Panel 2: Kym comes up with an idea a few moments later, tipping it off with a shrug to show the greater calm on her face than her friend.


We could clink cups. It's more of a toasting thing, but beats spitting in your hand and shaking on it.

Panel 3: Though puzzled by the premise of the shaking, Brie reaches out to grab their cup with some semblance of enthusiasm to the idea.


Works for's to A Better Normal. 

Panel 4: The pair of them clink cups a few moments later; Kym's cup off-panel left, and Brie's cup off-panel right.


Here's to A Better Normal- a pretty dope name for this venture, by the way.


Thanks- I agree. So, to quote a TV series I've really started to get into lately...

Panel 5: We jump to the near future, showing the pair of them speaking to the press at the official unveiling of A Better Normal to the press.


(Cont., Brie)

"What's next?"


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