Daylight Saving, Issue 4: Part 1.2
Page 78
Panel 1: A two-part set of panels that retells the main bulk of the story in two acts. In the first act, we see the two of them in an argument regarding Black Panther and Batman.
(Cont., Kym- thought bubble)
”First, the dumb white boy had the gall to say T’Challa’s an overrated Batman clone who’d lose to Kite Man in a fight."
(Cont., Kym- thought bubble)
"It took the full power of the ancestors (and my rent) not to beat his ass to a ********** mist."
Panel 2: In the second part, just as Ms. Clarkson is heading out the door, she quickly drops a note next to a Wonder Woman comic "For the Manager" that denotes the negative vibes of the sales associate in question.
(Cont., Kym- thought bubble)
"I did make sure he was gonna feel sore after what happened, which provided a nice bit of catharsis to the whole thing."
Panel 3: Back in the present, Kym strolls over to her car parked on the curb. To her growing notice, the sound of her beeper starts up from within her closed purse.
(Cont., thought bubble)
Anyway, I should rethink doing one of those mail order deals I've read about. I hate waiting, but it certainly beats dealing with stupid people (which is always a plus). And plus, with my schedule, it’d give more time for--
Panel 4: The young woman looks at the message that scrawls on the device with shock and puzzlement mixed with one another.
Panel 5: She looks up to find a pay phone placed on the opposite side of the street that she happens to be standing in.
"I know it's not as high-up as you'd hoped for, but I’ve heard bits and pieces about his campaign- he’s not a bad guy to have on our side. At least by politico standards..."
Panel 6: A short time later, in Brie's office, we see Kym and Brie discussing the offer right then and there.
I'm well aware on that. But it doesn’t change the desire to find out as much about this de Lancie guy as possible before going into any meeting.
Page 79
Panel 1: Kym gives a side nod in agreement to the sentiment, pondering a proper answer as she speaks.
(Cont., Off-Panel)
Anything more you can slide my way- red flags, and the flag?
Not a hell of a lot of them, if I’m honest. His résumé’s about as “Apple Pie Americana” as you can get.
Panel 2: We move to a wide kaleidoscope of images, stretching around a profile of the youthful looking Sen. de Lancie, which highlights his entire backstory.
(Cont., Kym)
"Sacramento kid who worked his way to Harvard as an usher and ticket taker at a movie theater."
(Cont., Kym)
"Turned down a high-powered corporate law gig after hearing about what was happening in South Africa to volunteer with anti-Apartheid groups there. He recently did some pro-bono work with environmental groups in Brazil trying to protect the Amazon."
(Cont., Kym)
"Afterwards, he goes back home to do some Criminal Defense work for a little awhile before running for State Senate."
Panel 3: Back to Mx. Benoit with an intrigued look on their face, hearing the bit of story that had been told at the moment.
Impressive. Maybe he is really worth a face-to-face look at...
Panel 4: Kym balances out the increased enthusiasm with a bit of tempered caution at a separate part of the story.
Wait, I just remembered! There are some skeletons from his Criminal Defense days: Sexual harassment, lewd behavior from female co-workers...your standard white guy in politics ****!
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 5, Bubble 1)
That’s ‘cause it’s mostly whispers from former Paralegals and stuff. No one’s popped up to a reporter yet- as if they’d listen right now. But last thing we need is inadvertently propping up Bill Clinton 2.0 and torching the small degree of good we’ve built so far.
Panel 5: Same setting/layout as Panel 3. Brie squints their face into a concerned look at the development.
Hell of a thing to have just plop into your head right now.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 4, Bubble 2)
Right, right...