Daylight Saving, Issue 4: Part 1.3
Page 80
Panel 1: Same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. After a brief pause between here and that panel, Mx. Benoit glances up at their friend with confidence over what they'd come up with.
I'll check out Mom’s notebook, in case there was something she left there about the guy. I mean, we’ve got a good month and a half till the DNC. We don’t need to give him an answer now, do we?
Panel 2: Kym nods quickly in agreement to the idea; her body already shifting to the right just before turning around to walk out.
Not at all. We’ll be okay right here and now. Anyway, I've got to touch back work at Bert to finalize our work at the 4th of July thing.
Panel 3: As Ms. Clarkson walks off, Brie partly acknowledges their friend; their focus shifting to a drawer in the bottom of their desk.
Understood...see ya in a little bit.
Panel 4: Action shot of the young person taking out the master notebook from one of the drawers a few moments later.
(thought bubble)
I know it's a reach. But if you’ve got a miracle or two in your back pocket, Mama...I wouldn’t mind at all!
Panel 5: They quickly open the notebook out in the middle of the desk counter a few moments later.
Panel 6: The young person then flips through the pages, speed reading through in search of the section in question.
Panel 7: Brie stops a short time later upon the section; their right pointer finger touching the top half of one of the pages.
(Cont., thought bubble)
There we go!
Page 81
Panel 1: Cut to a shot of the individual pages, highlighting a series of politicians by order of their first name; the individual states placed at the end. Some of the names have indecipherable scribbles or brief one-word declarations...
(Cont., thought bubble)
Dammit. Just the same names I've seen dozens of times, some of whom I’ve tried contacting multiple times. No sign of this de Lancie guy.
Panel 2: ...others contain considerably longer notes that stream underneath the margins of the respective names.
(Cont., thought bubble)
Seems weird for someone modeling himself as this great Liberal hope. Could be that he's just doesn’t get a great deal of local or national significance in this era. Also could be that he did something so horrible that his name was just wiped completely from the history books. Either option is not great...
Panel 3: Suddenly, on the bottom of one of the pages, a name sticks out in a green pen- FALIS NOOR. Next to the name is one word "ICON."
(Cont., thought bubble)
Huh. This one's new.
Panel 4: Mx. Benoit glances over to a point somewhere in the room, pondering the origin of the name.
(Cont., thought bubble)
At least I think it's new. The old texts on time travel mentioned the possibility of the butterfly effect; how a present or past action would ripple out toward the future. Maybe this is the Effect in action...
Panel 5: They stick their head out the office door a few moments later, turning their attention to Receptionist #2 [DIANA] for a comment.
Could you run a search for a name- Falis Noor?
Yeah, sure. This connected to the Sen. de lancie thing?
(Bubble 2)
No, it’s a separate thing. A little curiosity blip- probably nothing...
Panel 6: We move to a shot of a 14-year-old brown girl in her room, reading a series of newspapers and scientific journals on her bed. You can see a poster of Mx. Benoit hanging on the wall in the background.
(Cont., Brie) ”But figured it's worth a look, anyway."
(Off-Panel, translated from Somali)
Falis- dinner!