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Daylight Saving, Issue 4: Part 2.1

Page 82

Panel 1: Action shot of the young girl a short time later quickly heading into the dining room with some posterboard under her right arm. Gina, Rachelle's mom, is waiting with places set for both of them. 


(Cont., translated from Somali)

How’s the project for your Civics class?


(translated from Somalian)

Actually, it's a visual aid I’m making for the Town Hall. I'm close to completing it, I just--

Panel 2: Close-up on Gina as she sits down, reaching toward the fork placed on the left side plate. You can see the Iskudheh Karis proudly displayed on the plate in front of her as she speaks.


(interjecting, containing dismay)

This have anything to do with that sinful Brie woman--man--whatever?


(in English, Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 3, Bubble 1)

I know, and I appreciate it, sweetheart! But all that’s just an act. That's all those Americans are good for nowadays, playing humble while pouring garbage and godlessness out to the rest of the world. 

Panel 3: In a similarly framed close-up, Ms. Noor counters with a spirited yet respectful tone in her voice.


(in English)

Brie's the voice of our generation, Mom. They're trying to help change the world, and I wanna do my part--

Panel 4: Same setting/layout as Panel 2. With a little bit more calm, we see Mrs. Knight scooping up a bit of rice to finish up the rest of her thought.



Look, your desire to want to better your commjnity is—is one of the things I love most about you. I just...don't want you getting your hopes up too high, especially after the last half dozen times.

Panel 5: Back to Falis, picking up her spoon a beat later to scoop up her first bit of food.


(respectful nod)

I know, I know. I’ve got a good handle on things this time, I promise.


(Off-Panel, through stuffed mouth; Bubble 2)

Thank you. You need a ride there? I can go on my lunch break if you want.


(Bubble 2)

It's okay. I got Mr. Desmond from across the hall to get me a ride.

Panel 6: Jump to the next day, showing the young girl heading across the street from Brighton City Hall with the full mini assortment of her presentation in hand. 



"Mr. Desmond…is he the one with the antique bookstore?" 



"...I think so, yeah."



"Very good. I like him."

Page 83

Panel 1: We see the Council leader a short time after the end of the previous panel, glancing at an itinerary on the countertop to double check the next name on the list.


(exasperated sigh at the end)

Next on the agenda is...for the love of! 

Panel 2: A few moments later, the Leader glances over to his colleague seated to the left; the look on his face shifting from exasperation to annoyance at the visitor. You can hear tiny, consistent foot taps on the floor off-panel as they speak.


(Cont., whispers)

I thought we put the kibosh on her after that thing last month...what the bloody hell was it?  


Meatless Mondays for all the primary schools in Brighton.


(Bubble 2)

Right, right...******* Brie!


(Bubble 2)

I’m right with ya, mate. But a few nice sound bites for the papers shoild help shore things up with the Left before the Fall.


(Bubble 3)


Panel 3: Same setting/layout as Panel 1. He returns his attention to the young girl who is now standing in front of him at the podium.


(Cont. courteous, to Rachelle)

Good morning, Ms. Na-yar. Nice to see you again, and so quickly.



Good morning, Mister Leader.


(Bubble 2)

What have you got for us today?

Panel 4: Action shot of the young girl setting up the tri-stand as she speaks to the entire council; the posterboard flipped out of view of any of the politicians, or the partly visible crowd in the background.



My idea is something that would put Brighton on the cutting edge of environmental policy, not just here in Great Britain but also for all of Europe and the world.

Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A few moments later, Falis places the poster board on the completed tri-stand: a bunch of data and pictures of Amsterdam from 1973, underneath a title that reads- "Car-Less Sundays." 


There are a lot of bigger things to do before we make proper change, of course. But like A Better Normal's doing in the States, this is a piece of policy that can be the starting point that leads to the kind of big changes that can do so much good for everyone.

Panel 6: A full shot of the city council looking on in disbelief, with some holding back laughter at what they're seeing.


(Cont., Off-Panel)

The benefits have already been seen in Amsterdam when it comes to similar policy, as well as many other places.


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