Daylight Saving, Issue 4: Part 2.2
Page 84
Panel 1: Back to Falis at the podium a beat later, carrying on the same train of thought as the end of the previous page.
Their air quality has improved, along with the general happiness of the citizens since they started this policy. Not to mention—
(interjecting, Off-Panel)
This would end Brighton Hove-Albion FC by the end of the year.
Panel 2: We move to a shot of Council Member #2 on the left side of the room, continuing on with his counter that began in Panel 1. You can see their colleague agreeing with the core of his point as he speaks.
I know you’re probably too…young to grasp the politics of Football. We just got the team a brand new stadium not that long ago. These types of ideas are not the most welcome in London or Riyadh. It won’t take long before they leave, and take their money with them along with any chance to get us back to the Premiership.
It's a nice idea on paper, as were the others you’ve presented to us. But the brass tacks of it all, just like those other ideas- it’s too much of a risk with little upside.
Panel 3: Slight close-up on Council Member #3 a beat later, closing her thought off with one last little quip.
Hopefully, this will be the last time we see you here (till you’re voting age). Though given the few words...whatever the hell is charge of A Better Normal have given to the press, part of me doubts it will.
Panel 4: Falis tries to keep a straight, composed face as the rest of the politicians continue chatting on indiscriminately off-panel.
(Jaz, old-school chat window)
"I'm sorry about the vote, man. But I did tell you this would happen..."
Panel 5: We move to a shot of the IM window via Ms. Noor’s computer later that night, showing part of the conversation that happened to follow after the one in the previous panel.
(IM text bubble)
At least I got one person to vote for it.
(IM text bubble)
That may have been a pity vote.
(Bubble 2, IM text bubble)
Still...I’m taking it as a win.
(Bubble 2, IM text bubble)
Eh. Personally, I don't get why you don't just try any of these things out yourself.
Panel 6: Falis reacts with a type of trepidation that has some root in her past, and her upbringing.
(Cont. Off-Panel, IM text bubble)
I know your Mom wouldn’t be a big fan of it. And that it's not the best way to go into 9th form. But maybe...maybe you’ll get lucky. Or at least get some cool points.
Page 85
Panel 1: We see the same look on the young girl's face a few days later, seated in the back of her mother's car. This time there's a note of pondering over the main point her friend told her about.
Panel 2: The look on her face continues as her and her mother walk up to the nearby movie theater where she'll soon join up with Jaz.
(thought bubble)
...Maybe the time is right.
Panel 3: In front of the theater entrance, we see Gina watching her daughter walking in and waving goodbye; a section of the sparse traffic moving in the background.
Have fun! Remember, once your little X-Movie is over, head over to the office lobby. Herman already knows to make sure you guys--
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 4, Bubble 1)
Ku jeclahay!
Panel 4: Action shot of the teenager glancing back at her mother, nodding in quick acknowledgment at the rules she remembered from earlier.
I know, I know.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 3, Bubble 2)
...Love you too!
Panel 5: We move to an interior shot of the movie theater a few moments later, filled with a good amount of activity for the summer Blockbuster season. In the middle of the shot, you can see Jaz in front of the concessions waving at her.