Daylight Saving, Issue 4: Part 3.2
Page 90
Panel 1: A series of reaction shots focused squarely on the State Senator as he hears the different proposals throughout the lunch. First- apathy, and a shrug.
Fuel Efficiency Standards at 70 miles to the gallon for all cars in CA made after 2000
Panel 2: The second one elicits a look of dismissal, typified by an eye roll at the idea.
Ban on Oil Drilling, and lawns on all new homes by 2001. The formation of an effective Light Rail system up the state, modeled after the Japanese system- to be built by 2002.
Panel 3: The last one follows along the dismissal from the previous panel. There's also the sense of laughter that hides anger at the implications behind it.
Reparations from Oil Companies to the Poorest Neighborhoods for illnesses brought about by carbon emissions
I'm sorry, guys. That’s a lot of dreaming, and a whole lot of never gonna happen.
Panel 4: He stands up a few moments later, buttoning up the top button in preparation to leave; the remnants of his meal visible in the lower part of the panel view.
Maybe in a few years, or possibly if you revealed yourself and talk about these weird rumors--
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 5, Bubble 1)
Some nutjob up in Reno's been blabbing the past few days that he has definitive proof of your existence; that you’re actually from 2100.
Panel 5: Brie jumps back with an exhausted and perturbed look on their face in regards to the first part of the statement. You can see part of their meal in the bottom of the panel view.
What rumors?
Panel 6: Close-up on Andrew's face glancing over at Mx. Benoit, halting his train of thought upon seeing the look of confusion on the young person's face about the ordeal.
You genuinely didn't know that? Sorry- thought you guys woulda been a step ahead there…good luck getting through it.
Page 91
Panel 1: As the politician heads out, we see our protagonists to deal with what happens next. In particular, Kym who looks at her friend with shock and an immediate desire for more info.
Please tell me this isn’t another time traveler. ‘Cause I’ve barely gotten my head around you, and a second one would just be total—.
(deep sigh, knowing)
It’s not another time traveler. But I...I think I have a pretty good idea what the photos might be.
(Bubble 2)
Okay. That's something...what is it?
(Bubble 2)
I think they came about from a—a test run I made to this time.
(Bubble 3)
"Test run?!" I’m gonna need details, and a tall ass ******* whiskey!
Panel 2: Brie nods timidly, going into a proper explanation to the question as they see the level of shock in their friend's eyes.
I sent an old camera I had found in the market days before, along with some old papers from my apartment, to a random location in November 12, 1992. I didn’t think there were any photos that coulda survived. There wasn't any malice behind it at all, I swear. I just wanted to be sure I wouldn’t get torn apart or something as a result of the time travel process.
Panel 3: Ms. Clarkson understands a little, but is taken aback by the answer, pulling back slightly in her seat as she speaks.
'Kay, I believe you. Would've loved to have heard about all of this a good damn while back, before we got into business.
I know, and I apologize profusely for it.
Panel 4: Action shot of Mx. Benoit reaching over to gather the remaining exhibit items they had use for the presentation from the top of the table.
From a technical perspective though, it is quite fascinating given that cameras with film were a rarity by the 2030s. Could be a fluke of fashion long before I was born, like low-rise jeans.
Panel 5: Though apprehensive, Kym accepts the explanation for the most part; her mind already shifting to the next big point in play.
However it happened, what the hell are we gonna do about this? I think we can agree leaving it be's an incredibly dip**** idea. Especially if one of your moms might be on one of those photos.
Panel 6: Back to the young person, nodding in firm agreement as they start to put the documents back into their big purse as they speak.
An excellent point, my friend. I’m clueless at the moment. But thanks to one of the Senator’s quasi-condescending notes…I think I may have part of an idea, long-term.