Daylight Saving, Issue 5: Part 2.2
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Panel 1: They open the letter up a few moments later, and begin to read it with heightened curiosity at what they're seeing.
(bubble from the letter)
Hello Mx. Benoit, my name is Falis Noor. I'm 13 years old. I'm a big fan of yours, ever since the Super Bowl thing! I never thought for a second that you weren’t real—
(thought bubble, blocking the rest of the letter)
The new name from the notebook? Huh…this is an interesting wrinkle.
(bubble 2, picking up from Brie's thought bubble)
I know you’re really busy at this point. But there was something I'd like to ask you.
Panel 2: Cut to a shot of the young girl outside her school, performing the mythological play to the increasing crowd (some of which are holding pro-environment placards).
(Cont., Falis)
"Over the past few months or so, I've been using stories from my native Somalia to help highlight the need to address climate change. It's only been relatively recently that I've had some success here in Britain, outside of the ECT thing."
Panel 3: Across the street from that screen, we see an equally growing contingent of counter-protesters with signs that disparage Mx. Benoit and claim that climate change is a hoax (in varied delineations).
(Cont., Falis)
"There’s also been a lot of people who really hate me for the work. I try not to get too down on that part- that must mean I'm doing something right, right?”
Panel 4: A two-part set of panels that moves back to Mx. Benoit reading the letter in the apartment, pondering on the fly as they read.
(Cont., bubble off of the letter)
Anyway, I've heard word in the Young Greens chat room about some type of institute for studying alternative energy sources you’re trying to pitch over in California. I'd love to see if you’re looking for any junior partners at A Better Normal. I know I’m not 16, but--
Panel 5: In the second part, their reading is interrupted by a pair of loud honks off-panel left coming from the taxi.
"Oh yeah, I saw a blurb about the kid on the news awhile back. Impressively grassroots..."
Page 110
Panel 1: Cut to a shot of Kym back at A Better Normal the following day relaxing on a leather chair and drinking a can of Diet Dr. Pepper, watching as Brie paces off-panel in thought.
Shame we don’t hire kids in middle school though. Not to mention the schedule's so packed that we can't really give any assist on her end.
Panel 2: Ms. Clarkson lowers the can to her lap a few moments later; her face squinting slightly, annoyed by the serious she's seeing on her friend's face.
I mean- we haven't even answered the White House whether we’re heading to Cop 6! How exactly are they gonna react when we blow them off for some girl’s pet project?
Panel 3: Cut to Brie standing just in front of the desk, glancing over at their friend a beat later with a touch of defense in their explanation.
We’re not gonna blow them off, Kym. I have every intention to agree the offer. But after this, I wanna find a way to balance the two out since they’re not that far away from one another.
Panel 4: Kym reacts with a less miffed look on her face than in Panel 2...
Hmm...buddy, I love that you want to be well thought and thorough. But this once—
Panel 5: ...the idea already well established into her head; a sense of nonchalance in her body language as she speaks.
You might wanna try the simple, direct route.
Panel 6: 3,000 miles away, in an office somewhere in the State Department, LAURENCE is scratching his head at the offer given at that moment.
(seeking clarification)
We're glad to have you aboard. But--you want a plus two along with your partner?
(from the receiver)