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Daylight Saving, Issue 5: Part 2.3

Page 111

Panel 1: Action shot of Mx. Benoit on the phone, taking a look at some documents from the receptionist as they're speaking.



Not for the whole conference, just right until the closing day where the dignitaries speak. It's for one of my fans and her mother. I--


(interjecting, from the receiver)

May I this a sex thing? 

Panel 2: The young person reacts with a silent rage that appears in the form of metaphorical flames shooting out in all directions.



If that's the case, then I’d bring this up the chain and reconsider whether we want you on the team in Brussels. Also, on a personal note- no judgment to what you do behind closed doors- I'd recommend looking into a good PR team, in case someone...

Panel 3: Brie fires back a beat later with a slightly enthusiastic anger that pops out in their crafted response. It's so sudden that even the receptionist jumps a few inches off the ground at seeing it.



It's not a sex thing! It's just a young girl looking for someone to look up to with her own set of activism. I wanted to show her the ropes, give her a few tips and pointers. And I gotta say, on a personal note, accusing me of something so blatantly idiotic would give me a great reason to—.


(from the receiver)

Relax,'s just a joke! What's the girl's name?

Panel 4: Back in Brighton, we see Falis’ mom Gina looking over at a hallway where her daughter's bedroom is located.



Falis, dear- the bus is coming! 


(from the closed doorway)

In a minute, mother...

Panel 5: Cut to a shot of Ms. Noor stepping out a few moments later in her school clothes, quickly making their way (backpack strapped) toward the entrance.



"Thanks again for the assist, Jaz. It's the first day of school, and I wanted a little bit of normalcy after all the drama of the summer.”



"No worries, Fal. We could make it a regular thing, or semi-regular thing."

Panel 6: Action shot of the friends as they walk up to the school entrance after the bus arrives.


(Cont., playfully)

Maybe someone at the BBC will see me and cast me in the next Big Brother. Or EastEnders!


That's not really the intent of the protest.


(Bubble 2)

I know. Still nice to dream though, given the level of fame Brie's gotten.

(Bubble 3)

Speaking of which...did they reply to the letter you sent?

Page 112

Panel 1: Ms. Noor shakes her head, showing as she speaks some semblance of optimism and hope at the bottom line goal.


Not really worried yet. It's only been a few weeks- could still be going through the Post right now on its way to California.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 2, Bubble 1)

Exactly! Like I said, no need to stress too much. 

Panel 2: Jaz chimes in on what she feels is a great point, displaying a similar level of optimism to her friend.


Or they wrote back, and it's just taking its sweet time to get here.

Panel 3: Before Falis could enjoy the peace, a Mean Girl clique barges their way in between the two long-time friends without any semblance of acknowledgment to them.


To the sides, hippies!

Panel 4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The two friends look on a few moments later with usual middle/high school annoyances sparked in each of their eyes.


Well, you did want a normal first day of school.




(Bubble 2)

It'd still technically be "Falis" if I whip out that Witchcraft book on them I got for my birthday and hexed her for ya.


(Bubble 2)

Very true...and very tempting.

Panel 5: In 2nd period, we see Ms. Noor in class going through the normal motions along with a few dozen other kids in the classroom. Off-panel, a subtle "BON BONG!" comes into play from the school speaker.


(Cont., Falis)

"Let's save it for the American election. They're gonna need all the help they can get, I think, to avoid having that idiot Cowboy in the White House."

Panel 6: Close-up on the young girl looking up in recognition to the message; a smattering of other classmates reacting with surprise and curiosity.



Falis Noor, please come to the Principal's office. Someone from the US State Department would wish to speak with you.


(thought bubble)

That’s rarely a good sign…!


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