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Daylight Saving, Issue 5: Part 4.2

Page 121

Panel 1: In the living room phone, Faris grabs the receiver with an eager nervousness about what she's gonna be told.


Mx. Benoit- this is an honor! I just wanna say thank you for inviting me and my mum to Cop, and the Rolling Stone interview was so amazing. Eapecially all that stuff on the toxicity of cynicism and the undue power Saudi Arabia has on the world.

Panel 2: Brie, from the comfort of their own apartment, is a little taken aback and anxious by the eager energy from the young girl; an equally nervous smile over their face as they speak.


(Cont., from the receiver)

I’d love to see more of it from both countries.


S—Same here! Thank you...apologies if that came out sharp. Getting flooded with compliments all at once is much for me, even now. 


(Bubble 2, from the receiver)

Oh- understood. Sorry for sparking your anxieties. I just get a little giddy and exuberantly chatty when talking to people I look up to. You should’ve seen men chatting up Halle Berry on The One Show.

Panel 3: The young person makes their way to a point in their room a few moments later; their composure back to normal.


(Cont., from the receiver)

So, what did you want to call me about at what must be early morning there?


Just brainstorming over a rally I’m planning before the Cop, couldn’t really sleep much. I thought your youthful perspective could be helpful. One of the things I've loved about what you've pulled off is how you’ve used performance art to get your message out to tousled masses. It’s a skill I’ve never been that proficient on.


(Bubble 2, from the receiver)

Thank you. I wouldn't sell your theatrical skills short though. Your video at the Super Bowl was certainly some brilliant performance art in its own right.

Panel 4: They open up a closet door a beat later, dipping their toe into the idea.


(appreciative grin)

Thanks for the kindness. But that was the product of many, many months of work. Doing all that in a matter of weeks…I don’t have the brain space to handle things that fast.


(from the receiver)

You’re not gonna get in trouble with the Americans, are you?


(Bubble 2)

Not at all. Neither will you or your mother. The deal I made gave me a wide scope to operate outside of the delegation, as long as I don’t embarrass the government or sabotage any deals at the Cop.

Panel 5: Ms. Noor is intrigued, though with some level of curiosity connected to the word "collaboration." As she speaks, you can hear a subtle "CLUNK!" coming from the other end.


Okay. What have you come up with, so far?

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Panel 1: Action shot of Brie on the other end, holding their holographic projector and a tape underneath their right arm with the phone in another. 


I know I want to conmect Halloween and the Millennium Seed Bank. The rest...just a big blur.

Panel 2: Back to the young girl who is now firmly excited by whatever idea Mx. Benoit's offer.


Sounds awesome! I'd love to help out and be there in person, so long as I don't have to handle the technical stuff. Or that it doesn't mess with school too much.

Panel 3: Mx. Benoit places the two pieces of technology on the base of the bed a beat later, respectful of the demands from the young girl.


That's perfectly fine. I can make it work. Now…you wanna know a secret ‘bout my name that very few people know—outside my partner Kayla?


(Kym) "Huh...kinda like the Halloween angle. You sure it isn't gonna blow back on the staff though, on A Better Normal? Or the Feds for that matter?”

Panel 4: The following day, we see Kym and Brie talking over the idea from the corner of Brie's office.


I'm more hopeful than sure. But Sen. Skjei said she wanted something big and grand, and this feels like the best move. As for the Feds, they’re too busy with electoral nonsense to really care.


Fair point. Did she say specifically that she'd throw her support for the bill, if you went big?


(Bubble 2)

No, but I...

Panel 5: Slight close-up on Ms. Clarkson a beat later, jumping in with a middle ground proposition for her partner's point.


I'm not gonna stand against your judgment, particularly since it's been pretty damn good up to this point. But I think you should loop the rest of the staff on, before it goes live...

Panel 6: In the main bullpen area of A Better Normal minutes later, we see the staff looking on just as Brie's finished reciting their idea to them.


(Cont., Kym)

"They've been through a big bucket of weird the past few months. Seems fair to hint them for the next few pounds that’ll be coming straight at ‘em."


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