Daylight Saving, Issue 6: Part 4.2
Page 146
Panel 1: We move to a wider shot of western Europe, stretching into the Western Hemisphere; the path of the vacation finding its closing distance toward L.A. marked in the same fashion as the previous page, though not as numerous. The only mark prior to the City of Angels lies in South Florida. You can see the same time change-y glow on these town dots that we saw in parts of the last page as well as the Hague.
"Thanks for the detour to that counter protest for Gore in Florida. After what you and the girls pulled off in the Hague...I wanted to try to contribute something to the cause."
(Brie) "Of course- it was fun! Making the so-called 'religious right' has been one of the fun side hobbies since I've been here."
"Just outta curiousity, the future--your future, you know how the Recount ends up. Does it turn out, well…?”
"Actually, I’m not entirely sure how it’ll end up now. I mean know how it ends up, from what I read, from before I left for 2000. But given everything I've done these past 10 odd's possible the result might be different once I get back."
Page 147
Panel 1: Cut to Kayla and Brie standing at the edge of a dock just off the L.A. coast, looking out in a brief bit of silence after the previous page's conversation
10 Hours Till Slingshot
Thank you for the past week or so, and the other couple dozen before that.
Same, on both counts.
Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Ms. Prince breaks up the silence, turning her head to her partner for one big announcement.
About that big question...I've made my decision.
(Bubble 2)
Panel 3: Close-up on the young woman's face a beat later, finally going into her answer in full; a mix of love and sadness and hope their explanation would go through in her eyes as she speaks.
I do want to go with you, to the 22nd century. But...not now.
Panel 4: We move back to Mx. Benoit, doing their very best to understand their love's point. Out of view here is Kayla scrawling something down on a scrap piece of paper.
Okay. I'm not following...
I don’t plan on dying any time soon. Neither do you, too, I’m guessing. I mean, it’s not like you're going to put the Burnham into whatever would qualify as an attic.
(Bubble 2)
There’s nothing really stopping you from coming back once a year to go out, like Suddenly Last Summer.
Panel 5: Action shot of the young woman extending the folding note shortly after writing it; part of it visible showing that it was formerly a receipt of some kind.
Also, even with all the good these past few months, there’s still going to be a lot of work to do to make the future far better than the one you came from. I want to do whatever I can to make sure that that’s the case.
Panel 6: We widen to take in both of them, just as Brie (in the panel right side) grabs the note with a little more understanding overall than earlier.
(Cont., lovingly)
Once I feel confident it’ll be the case...then I'd be happy to spend the rest of our days in 2100 observing art and watching what Star Trek shows are still on then.
Okay. You have a day for this first date?
(Bubble 2)
I do. And a pretty great location, in my opinion.
Panel 7; A close-up on the now unfolded note, revealing the date in question: November 24, A Better Normal- 2 P.M.
Huh. That is kinda perfect…