Daylight Saving, Issue 6: Part 4.3
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Panel 1: An important question pops into the young person's head a beat later, sparked by a pang of anxiety that the question brings about.
Tiny problem though. What would stop you from falling for someone in those 300-odd days in between? I know there’s Mandy who has been fantastic, especially these last few months, in terms of making sure your physical needs are taken care of. But still, there’s the chance that—
Panel 2: Kayla reaches out and grabs their right hand, halting the young person's nervous state of mind with a counter offer that she starts to form on the spot.
I love you on a level I’ve never felt, or thought I could ever feel. Any other person who may try to come after you will have to basically be Wonder Woman to top you.
(Bubble 2)
Besides, you still owe me proof that Sorkin/Simon abomination’s actually real.
Good point.
Panel 3: The two of them lean in a little closer as Ms. Prince finishes out the rest of her explanation, followed by...
At worst, it’s a fun night we get to repeat the next year. At best…we begin the rest of our lives.
Panel 4: ...a sweet romantic kiss under the slight glow of the setting sun.
Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Mx. Benoit nods with their version of eagerness to the idea.
I like it. Seems fitting I'd end this on a leap of faith, given that I started it as such.
Go get the boat while you still can.
(Bubble 2)
Right. Love you...
Panel 6: We jump to one of the conference rooms at A Better Normal in the future- November 24th, 2010. Kayla, now 35- wearing a beautiful aqua blue dress- looks at her watch to check time in eager anticipation for what'll come.
"Love you too...!"
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Panel 1: The setting widens out slightly to take in three pieces of luggage placed on either end of the young woman's feet. There's also a radio in the panel right area playing My Chemical Romance's "The Ballad of the Benoit 3," and what looks like a solar light panel at the top of the panel.
(glancing panel left, pondering)
Late, again. Probably a work thing, like it was last year. Or they just slept in, like I did back in ‘07.
Panel 2: Her head quickly turns to the right a few moments later, upon hearing a familiar booming sound coming from outside; her eyes sparkling in anticipation of who's sparking it.
Panel 3: A two-panel spread that shows the main bullpen and the changes tech wise in terms of the computers used in each respective cubicle. There's also a row of TVs listed to each respective cable news network except for Fox (which does not exist in this version of 2010). As she's walking, you can see the solar lighting in the ceiling going up...
Panel 4: ...and dimming down the further away she is from that part of the lamp. You can see, for the first time, Kayla's engagement ring on her upstage hand.
Panel 5: Cut to Brie outside the front entrance to the building; the portal in the background behind them. They're dressed in a formal suit without a tie and a matching black skirt with a pair of shorts underneath.
(in awe)
Wow yourself!
Panel 6: Action shot of Ms. Prince, just as she steps off the stoop toward her fiance, looking at them up and down with an equal amount of awe in her eyes as well as curiosity.
How is it possible we're the same age, and you look the same as when we first met?
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Panel 1: Brie shrugs nonchalantly and coyly grins at the question; their cheeks a decent tint of red as a result of the question.
Skin care's kind of amazing in 2110. Same, too with most beauty products as well as medicine.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 2, Bubble 1)
Of course. I have a bit of a surprise in terms of our date this year.
Panel 2: Kayla is intrigued by the answer, putting the information in a separate column in her mind as she shifts to the business at hand.
Cannot wait to hear all of that, soon-to-be Life Partner. After we get through dinner and...other intimiate bits, of course.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 1, Bubble 2)
What kind of surprise?
Panel 3: Cut to the pair of them chatting with the portal in the background. You can see part of what looks like chairs and a platform through said portal.
(Cont., quick sniff)
Wait, is that…?
Yeah. I know we didn’t want to put a solid date on a ceremony till after you made your decision. I’m sorry for any premature presumption, and I’ll just pretend it—
(Bubble 2)
Don’t be sorry. This feels like the perfect time…I’m ready. I’ve waited a decade to be your infinity…allons-y!
(Bubble 2)
(Bubble 3)
Oh wait, there’s the cable thing and the rent thing I should handle. Not to mention my…
(Bubble 3)
That was actually why I was running late tonight. As for the other bit, that actually explains why I was late tonight. It was a little tough explaining, but...she's there waiting for us.
(Bubble 4)
Oh my God- thank you!
Panel 4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Ms. Prince glances toward the portal area a beat after hugging her fiance, hearing a familiar piece of music from inside the portal.
Oh you gorgeous, sweet cheeseball of a human!
"I Knew I Loved You." It was the song I heard when I first saw you...seemed fitting.
(Bubble 2)
And cheesy!
(Bubble 2) fits me well.
Panel 5: A two-part set of panels, showing the two holding hands as they walk through the portal.
(Cont., romantic)
Here's to infinity and a lifetime of cheesy.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
(Bubble 2)
Me neither...
Panel 6: In the second part, they emerge to a green field and pristine sunshine; a smattering of Brie's work and real friends as well as Kayla's mom watching as they walk down the aisle. You can see, by the way the sun glistens off both of them, that it's similar to what we saw earlier in the issue. [THE END]