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Old Scars, Chapter 1: Part 2.1

Page 7 Panel 1: Grem flashes an intrigued glance back at his dear friend; his focus split between Miriam and the assistant who passes into his line of sight with the parts as he speaks.


It did feel pretty bloody good, in the moment. I'll give it a proper thought. The options are aplenty, from what I read in the papers.

Panel 2: He catches sight a split second later of something in the cart that elicits a bit of nerdy delight on his face.


(excited) ...ooohhhh- a genuine ice ray gun! Haven't seen one of those beauts since that dragon invasion in Wales--half century ago at this point. You remember that?

Panel 3: We move to a shot of the two of them side by side as Mr. Allen gets to work, sifting through the pieces of tech.



I remember your less than superb aim, and the week back home with Stephen chipping said ice off my arm!


(relenting) Fair point. Speaking of the lucky human, how is Stephen?


(Bubble 2) He's good. He's up north with the Naval units helping out the protest operation.


(Bubble 2) Excellent. Send him my love next time you guys catch up.


(Bubble 3) I will...

Panel 4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Grem finishes searching a few moments later, holding part of the ice gun along with part of a floating platform.


(brain blast, plotting it out in his head) Oooo, that could be a pretty fun! Should have something scratched together soon. Just gotta find a steering system...

Panel 5: Action shot of the immortal Irishman a short time later, going through and attaching and sculpting his masterful weapon from within the pile of parts. You can see Miriam walk out of panel view to the left, leaving her old friend to his devices.

Page 8

Panel 1: The following morning, we see the finished result of his work: a floating board with the ice gun attached at the top. You can see a camera lense underneath it, zooming in on a particular spot.



"The Unicorn? Hardly an intimidating moniker."



"I was going more fitting than intimidating."

Panel 2: Cut to a shot of Grem seated at a table, steering and observing the camera feed as he speaks. You can see a coffee cup brimming with the steam of fresh toastiness out of the top of it.


(Cont.) Even though unicorns are mostly warm blooded and their horn shoots lasers. Not to mention the magical underbelly between the heart and lungs that help it achieve flight--


(from the earpiece, interjecting) You're rambling again!

Panel 3: On street level, in the meat of the protest, Miriam lets out a knowing chuckle connected to the response.


(from the earpiece) Oh, right. Sorry...get that way sometimes talking about magical creatures.


(nonchalant) I know. I've gotten used to it by now. Any sign of trouble nearby?


(Bubble 2) Big donut so far.

Panel 4: Back to Grem a beat later, steering the unmanned vehicle to another point on the map; his eyes peering closely in search of something.


(Cont., reaching for his cup) I'm shifting things to the southwest. Might find a bite there.

Panel 5: Cut to the screen for the first time a short time later, showing a little section of the city. In the distance, to the right, you can see a black dot off in the distance of a road moving north.

Panel 6: The camera zooms in on the point to find a convoy of military Jeeps moving up the road in a line, topped off with a mixture of soldiers from the British Army and the Indian Army.


What's the fishing term for spotting a big fish?


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