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Old Scars, Chapter 1: Part 3.1

Page 13 Panel 1: Action shot of Miriam a short time later, guiding a contingent of protesters from the scene in the direction of a cafe.


(ordering the survivors) Board up the doors, lay out of sight and keep silent. It's possible the Empire strapped their men with Sonic Eyes before arrival to--


(knowing, to Miriam) We know...stay safe!


(as a group) 11-10-1-1-01-1-00_1-01_0-1...!


(Bubble 2) 11-10-1-1-01-1-00_1-01_0-1...!


(Translation from Fronary)

"Freedom In 01!"

Panel 2: As the group leaves from view, the mecha's attention is turned to the off-panel left direction courtesy of a command.


(Off-Panel) Remain in position, robot, and put your hands where I can see them.

Panel 3: Cut to a shot of the soldier slowly moving to her position, flanked on both sides by lower class officers with their weapons trained on Miriam.


(Cont.) If you engage using any HCWs, we will respond with commiserate force.


High Casualty Weapons

Panel 4: Miriam lets out a stilted laugh, disbelieving the last part of the command.


Tell it to the tri-mags your human compatriots have been using since Amritsar.

Panel 5: Action shot a beat later of a little metal disk shooting out of the top of her collarbone toward the sky.

Page 14

Panel 1: The two men on the side take a little more of a forward crouch toward her a beat later, halted by their superior's halting hands.


(defensive) Relax, mate. Just venting a spare need for the Fifth Fleet!

Panel 2: We follow the disc spinning high in the air moments later, flashing a little red beam in the center of it as a signal for...


(Cont., Miriam)

"Now, where were we?"

Panel 3: ...Grem flying in a short time later, spotting the makeshift beacon at the wheel of the Emerald Isle.


(knowing) Ah, the Liverpool move...good idea!

Panel 4: Action shot of Mr. Allen's hands moments later at the console, pressing a series of buttons on the far left portion.


(Cont., Grem)

"And hopefully with a far less embarrassing end than its original incarnation."

Panel 5: We move to ground level as the Isle passes by, catching Miriam and the soldiers in a bit of fight that has gone on since the signal was dropped. You can see the same electric net dropping down from the top of the panel towards the soldiers.

Panel 6: The net drops down on the soldiers, expanding and knocking them singularly unconscious; the Isle gliding out of view compared to the previous panel. The mecha quickly leaps back to keep herself safe from the electric blast.


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