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Old Scars, Chapter 2: Part 1.2

Page 27 Panel 1: Grem is back to his breakfast a few moments later, stuck on an errant thought that pops into his head.


(thought bubble) Might be time when I get home to finally get a handle on the efficiency of the Isle's engines.

Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Still on the thought, he scoops up a little more bit of eggs; his eyes noticing the newspaper nearby for the first time.


(Cont., thought bubble) There's the scientific lit that engineer I encountered left me at the market in Vilnius gathering dust, ready to get to chiseling.

(thought bubble 2) First, I gotta get some food into Athena's belly.

Panel 3: We widen out slightly a short time later as the immortal Irishman has the newspaper open and reading what's inside. You can see Athena on the table just beginning to cross into view.


(puzzled, stilted laugh) I'll be well over 900 before I properly understand Cricket. And even that's probably overly optimistic...

Panel 4: Moments later, a story pops up into view that elicits a more sympathetic response from Grem. Athena the cat, meanwhile, stops and plots her rest spot.


Interesting. "Ghost Rockets..." I'm getting a weird jolt of deja vu right now.

Panel 5: Action shot of the young/old man folding the newspaper back up with his left hand, and his right reaching below to grab his bag.


(on the trail of said thought) Can't remember when I saw it precisely. I know it was about turn of the century.

Panel 6: He pulls out a notebook from his bag (now on his lap) a short time later and starts quickly flipping through pages for the right one.


(Cont.) After Victoria died, and the mandate for the team ended. Back when I was still getting a handle on the rules for my immortality...there we go!

Page 28

Panel 1: Same setting as the last panel of the previous page. The layout changes slightly with the top of the panel view showing what looks like sizable hail pellets.


(reminiscing) February 11th, 1903: Radisson, northern Quebec. Freak 30 second storm drops half a meter of what I thought was hail, but turned out to be refugees from another dimension looking for a new life. Nice peeps...impressive drinkers!

Panel 2: Action shot from the time of Mr. Allen fighting a gigantic smoke cloud alongside the now mega-sized version of the pellet creatures.


(Cont., Grem)

"At the same time, there's no mention of anything looking like an Arlgin in this piece. So, might be looking at something different..."



"What's got your curiosity piqued this time?"

Panel 3: We jump to Miriam coming back to the table a short time later, noticing the immortal Irishman who has split the bulk of the table between the newspaper and his breakfast.


(mid-chew) Reading about some Ghost rocket that hit in the middle of Finland a few nights back.


(perplexed) "Ghost rocket?"


(Bubble 2) That's what the locals are calling it.

Panel 4: Cut to a shot of the two of them, focusing squarely on the section with the newspaper. You can see Grem placing the plate back on the table as he speaks.


Sounds like a mere meteor strike.


Possibly. But there's no mention of a rock or smoke from the blast site. And the only casualty's some poor putz with the misfortune to be driving by just as it landed.


(Bubble 2) Interesting...!

Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The immortal Irishman turns his head up to Miriam with his own look of puzzlement toward the last statement from the previous panel; his right hand petting Athena behind the ear as he speaks..


What, find something interesting?


(pointing it out) Potentially. Check out the shading on the top of the photograph...


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