Old Scars, Chapter 2: Part 1.3
Page 29 Panel 1: Close-up on the grainy photo that accompanied the article, showing a faint rainbow gold colored energy signature drifting amongst the sky.
(Cont., Off-Panel) I've been to Finland before. Those are kinds of colors that aren't anywhere close to normal there.
(Off-Panel) Huh. Good eye...
Panel 2: Back to Grem leaning back in his chair slightly as he offers up his hypothesis.
I was thinking it might be connected to a shapeshifting race I encountered decades ago. Now, looking at that...I can definitely huck that.
Panel 3: Miriam calmly shakes her head at the theory, seeing somewhat what her friend is talking about. You can see in her eyes though the answer already on her mind.
As would I. If I had to venture a guess, this has more of a deity level energy to it.
Panel 4: We move back to Mr. Allen; the setting and layout similar to Panel 2. His brow's furrowed in a bit of thought as he scoops up a little more of the remaining eggs on his plate.
(Cont., Off-Panel) Are you familiar with the Sampo?
A little bit...some god-made lucky charm, right?
Panel 5: Back to the mecha taking a few steps away from her friend and to the side of the table as she goes into full explanatory mode.
That's partly right, but there's a little more underneath it.
Page 30
Panel 1: Cut to a shot of the past, showing a gigantic tree suddenly sprouting out in the middle of a barren field sometime in the past.
(Cont., Miriam)
"Once every century, the Sampo appears on Earth before a time of great upheaval, taking the form of a big oak tree. Supposedly it grants anyone who enters their greatest wish."
"Sorta like a magic lamp, then."
"In a sense, yes. The last recorded sight was back in Russia around 1911. A friend of my husband was part of the crowd that saw the person who attempted entry."
Panel 2: Action shot of an adventurer a short time later, approaching the tree which has now presented a front door to enter it.
(Cont., Miriam)
"His name was Vitek. One of those adventurer types tempted by the 'golden riches' he believed it would offer. Sorta like you, but more repugnant."
"Ha, cheers! I think...What happened to the guy?"
Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. All we see of the man a short time later is the wooden door closing behind him as he steps inside.
"The villagers waited for a week for him to return from the Sampo. Nothing happened."
Panel 4: We move back to Miriam in the present on the other side of the room, finishing up the rest of her thought.
(Cont.) Then the tree disappeared, and that was the proverbial end of him.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 5, Bubble 1) I would say the chatter between the Americans and Soviets lately, or reconstruction on the continent could qualify as world threatening
Panel 5: Mr. Allen scrapes up the last chunk of eggs on his plate, pondering the story as a whole.
A creepy labyrinth that sucks in glory seeking pricks- makes sense. But the middle of Finland, after a massive World War? Pattern feels a bit off in my head.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 4, Bubble 2) A fair point...
Panel 6: As they debate, the assistant appears from the doorway with an important message for her boss.
(to Miriam) The lawyers wanna meet discussing the trials in Bengal.