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Old Scars, Chapter 2: Part 2.2

Page 33 Panel 1: Close-up on Grem at the wheel, reaching over to a point unseen on the console as he finishes the rest of his thought.


(Cont., pondering to himself) Kinda smells like lavender and hot cheese- not as bracing as I thought it'd...

Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Suddenly, in the middle of his thought, the power to the ship suddenly goes out.


(suddenly worried) Huh. This is definitely...

Panel 3: A split second later, the Isle starts tumbling perilously to the ground; the rope containing the hook breaking off the mysterious Ghost Rocket. You can see part of what appears to be the center of a small village in the background.




Panel 4: Back to Mr. Allen at the wheel, trying as best as he can to restart the ship to no avail.


I've gone this long without knowing what my charred flesh smells like...don't plan on starting now!

Panel 5: Cut to a shot on ground level of the village in question. In particular, a silver haired nonbinary person looking up as a steadily growing shadow of the ship tumbles downward.

Panel 6: Action shot of the person unleashing a pair of fairy wings to help rescue a pair of fellow villagers who were also in the potential crash site.

Page 34

Panel 1: They glance over from the sidewalk as the airship zips by a few feet away with a sudden return of power; the wheels emerging from their respective holds.

Panel 2: Action shot of the Isle coming to a screeching halt moments later; Grem tightly gripping the steering wheel to keep it balanced. In the background, you can see the fronts of a handful of buildings as they pass by.

Panel 3: We see the ship finally reach a proper halt seconds later right in front of a truck, missing a crash by a matter of feet.

Panel 4: Close-up on Grem a couple of seconds later, having calmed down enough again to get back up. Off-Panel, you can hear the sounds of angry complaints directed at the immortal Irishman.


(Off-Panel) <Angry Russian Expletives>


(apologetic, to the Driver) I don't understand Russian. But...sorry for the near crash!

Panel 5: A two-part set of panels that follows a short time later as the truck passes by in the background; the now folded Isle in his hand, sliding back into his bag.


(Cont., thought bubble) On a separate note: I should really learn Russian one day. A pretty fascinating language, even if the foc in charge currently is a bonafide--

Panel 6: Suddenly, the mysterious winged person buzzes in from off-panel left, spearing Mr. Allen right before he could finish his thought or mount a defense.


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