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Old Scars, Chapter 2: Part 2.3

Page 35 Panel 1: On the ground a moment later, Grem presses his legs on the winged person's midsection in a defensive attempt against their punches.


(angered) Leninist stooge!


That I got...!

Panel 2: Action shot a split second later of the immortal Irishman flinging Sym off of him with as much strength as he can muster.

Panel 3: Mr. Allen pops back to his feet a few moments later; his hand hovering near the handle to his Fragarach, though his body language is tilted toward defusing the situation.


(Cont.) I'm not a fan of Lenin. I agree with his views on socialism, but deathly despise killing innocent people or--

Panel 4: Sym pops into view a beat later, clocking the Irishman with a flying side kick.

Panel 5: On the ground, mouth bloodied, he glances at the attacker ready and willing for a fight; his left hand reaching back into his bag.


Alright. Before I do what I do quite well, I must say: you have lovely wings!

(Bubble 2) ...rocket clogs.

Panel 6: He flies up a few seconds later, courtesy of a blue-yellow flame from the soles of said shoes. From the bag, we see a pair of golf ball sized devices he flings at the hard charging Sym.


(Cont.) Now comes the oíche oíche...!

Panel 7: The balls land on the left side of their midsection, knocking them to the ground with a quick and powerful jolt of electricity contained from within.



"Name's Grem Allen, by the way. My apologies on the...introduction earlier."

Page 36

Panel 1: We jump to the two of them at a pub a short time after the action of the last pair of pages. Grem is at the far left edge of the panel, looking as Sym starts to wake back up in his chair.


(Cont.) I've got a lingual translator I've been meaning to put the paces on, if you--.


(woozy interjection, to Grem) I speak English well, Mr. Allen. And I'm the way.


(Bubble 2) Ah good, good...nice to meet ya.

Panel 2: Slight close-up on Sym a moment later, picking up the two oíche oíches and looking at it carefully; their periphery also tilted toward Mr. Allen's direction.


(curious) What was that oiche oiche you hit me with, just out of curiosity?


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 3, Bubble 1) Impressive tech...You with the Americans

Panel 3: Grem lets out an uproarious laugh at the question, making his feelings on the answer fairly clear there. You can see part of the bar he was walking toward to the left of the panel view.


Ah, the Double Os. They're portable rechargeable grenades that shoot a little jolt of electricity that knock people out.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 2, Bubble 2) Gods no! I help them when the values intersect (which is growing rarer by the bloody second), but mostly...I'm just a freelance tinkerer, who dabbles in altruistic journeys from time to time.

Panel 4: Sym slowly stands up from their chair for the first time, placing the Double Os on the base of the chair as they speak.


(intrigued) What kind of "altruistic endeavors" are we talking about?

Panel 5: Grem beams a wide grin at the question, letting out a brief chuckle; his left hand leaning against the bar top.


There's a question that can only be answered by a couple of beers.


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