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Old Scars, Chapter 2: Part 3.3

Page 41 Panel 1: A short time later, we see Grem and Sym over at the kitchen table, looking over a detailed schematic of the building in map form splayed out on it.


(curious) I'm guessing, with all this handy info, you've been able to stitch together a safe way inside.​


I have. Though I'd argue "Safe" is a relative term that exists on a spectrum.


(Bubble 2) Agreed. Though I've rarely met the good kinda safe...!

Panel 2: Close-up on Sym, taking a sip of a clear vodka-like liquid with gold flakes sprinkled within.


What are your feelings about traversing through sewers?


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 3, Bubble 1) Good to know. There's a manhole a couple of kilometers from the house.

Panel 3: Grem lets out a knowing sigh, leaning back slightly on his char as he responds with some nonchalance.


Done it a few times, though this would be the first time without someone trying to shoot me. ​

Panel 4: Action shot of the immortal Irishman trudging through the sewers a little while after the previous panel; the lone illumination a flashlight gripped in Grem's right hand flashing a metal ladder in the distance. In the top right corner, you can see a snapshot of the map with one point in the center-left section highlighted.


(Cont., Sym)

"Follow the mainline northward for a half hour, take a right and then a left, which would lead a dozen steps later to a ladder."

Panel 5: He climbs up the ladder a few moments later, using the waist of his trousers as a handle for the flashlight as he climbs upward.


(Cont., Sym)

"All that will lead you to the Golmech room, which doesn't get a whole lot of foot traffic on a normal day.."

Page 42

Panel 1: Grem emerges out of the metal grate shortly after, seeing a dark room filled with deactivated androids lining the background.


(taking the flashlight out of his waistband; thought bubble) Miriam told me about these Golmechs; how militaries and police departments and spies cram all sorts of vile shite in their hard drive to get 'em to do their dirty work.

Panel 2: We move to a shot of Mr. Allen reaching out to the door, finishing up the rest of his thought. You can see the last flicker of light just after he turns off the flashlight.


(Cont., thought bubble) Make a mental note of all this once I see Miriam again. Much as I'd love to lay hands myself...the killing blow belongs to her.

Panel 3: He starts exploring through the hallway; the map in his right hand, catching only part of his attention as he speaks.


(thinking) I think there's a staircase on this floor that Sym said should lead to the cells. Can't remember though if it's another left or a...

Panel 4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. His train of thought is disrupted by a hard metal "THUMP!" coming from a pair of metal feet.


(Off-Panel, translated from Russian) Freeze, foreigner!

Panel 5: Cut to a shot of a shiny Golmech, decked out in a standard officer's uniform with gun in hand. You can see a pair of agents on both sides in a similar attacking pose.


(Cont., commanding) You have 30 seconds to surrender or you will be---


(interjecting, Off-Panel) Exterminated?

Panel 6: Cut to a shot of Mr. Allen slowly getting up, wiping the streak of blood from the left side of his cheek; his hand moving to the handle of the Fragarach.


(Cont., to the Golmech) Incinerated? Flayed to bits and fed to a bunch of hungry pigs? My metal compatriot, I've heard every "intimidating" threat under the sun- or close to it.


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