Old Scars, Chapter 2: Part 4.3
Page 47 Panel 1: A two-part set of panels that moves to a side shot of the two combatants a short time later. In the first part, we see Gremlin taking a flying leap for an opening slash; an off-panel crackle from Sym portaling away.
Panel 2: In the second part, just as soon as he makes the leap, the creature levels a powerful slash that sends the immortal Irishman flying off-stage.
Panel 3: Close-up on Grem crashing hard into the wall; the blade sliding out of view in the panel right direction.
Panel 4: Mr. Allen slowly pushes himself back up to his feet, already in a great deal of pain due to the blow.
(energized, to himself) Ahhh...I love my job!
Panel 5: We jump to Oulu in night as all of this action has gone. All things are relatively peaceful around the impact site, save for a small collection of people gathering around who try to find out the weird tall tower at its center.
Meanwhile, back in Oulu...
Page 48
Panel 1: A pair of locals are talking indiscriminately to one another, squinting at the object and sharing different theories about what they're seeing.
(translated from Finnish, to Local #2) That's definitely a tree!
(shaking their head, to Local #1; translated from Finnish) No, no. That's part of a castle--you can see the little metal and concrete bit from one of the tower's roofs over there.
(Bubble 2) That's just a bunch of leaves that the clouds just make look gray.
(Bubble 2) How can clouds make leaves look gray?
(Bubble 3) In Finland? Come on, my friend! That's not a difficult scenario to...
Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. We see another spectator barge into the argument, pointing up as a streak of white in the sky.
Panel 3: We widen the shot out moments later as another ghost rocket crashes in the middle of the impact spot, though without the requisite collateral damage.
Panel 4: A two-part set of panels that shifts to a rear shot of the crowd, running for cover as more rockets dropped down from the sky landing in the same spot as before.
Panel 5: In the second part, the last of the four rockets finishes landing on the same spot as before. You can see the backs of some of the people poking out in the lower half of the panel, watching as the form of something starts taking shape; patches of green on the ground.
(Local #2)
Panel 6: Close-up on the tree- the Sampo- a few moments later, taking form after the proverbial dust has settled. You can see a little bit of the increasing green in the lower half of the panel view.
(Cont., Local #2)
"I see the tree now."