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Old Scars, Chapter 3: Part 1.2

Page 51 Panel 1: Cut to a shot of our hero on the ground moments later, knocked out and bleeding. You can see for the first time the amount of scars and bloody bits peppered all over his face.


(thought bubble) He's kinda right, in my case. This is usually how things go for me in a fight: no Fragarach, my arse beaten so badly the healing factor's keeping me semi-conscious.

Panel 2: We move to a brief snapshot of Sym and their partner- along with their daughter- in brighter days before the KGB rounded the other two up.


(Cont., thought bubble)

"Powered by righteous means to keep pumping, keep fighting. Unbeknownst to him...that's when I do my best work."

Panel 3: Back in the present, we see Gremlin slowly open his eyes and tilt his head to the left at the sight of a faint glow of light hitting it.


(Cont., thought bubble) You're actually real?!

Panel 4: Cut to an image of the same young woman we saw in Issue 1 in India, nodding as she passes alongside the immortal Irishman. The lone difference is her right hand coming partially into view.


(whisperlike, to Grem) Help, please...Maariii...​

Panel 5: Close-up on said hand a few moments later, snapping its fingers once...

Page 52

Panel 1: Action shot just as quickly as that finger snap that ended the previous page, showing the vukodlak body checked to the left side by a mystery force.

Panel 2: Grem comes back to his feet a few moments later, glancing at the now unconscious creature of the KGB down at his feet.


(puzzled, but grateful) Huh. Cheers, Maari. Not sure if the help was for me or something else though.

Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. He turns his head to the right as a pair of gunshots ring out from that direction.


(back to business) Anyway- let's make the stroke of dumb luck count.​

Panel 4: A two-part set of panels that consists first of an action shot of the immortal Irishman running at a hobbled and slow pace toward the same window he broke out of in the previous page. In the background, you can see more bullets come into view along with the soldiers firing them.

Panel 5: In the second part, as he moves ever closer, the pace starts to increase. At the same time, the amount of officers behind him firing in his direction has also increased.

Panel 6: Action shot of him leaping back through the broken window; a couple of bullets buzzing inches away from making contact with flesh and bone.


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