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Old Scars, Chapter 3: Part 2.1

Page 55 Panel 1: After Eva takes a few steps forward moments later, she goes down to one knee out of weakness; her arms shaking slightly as it's being used as a crutch.


(Off-Panel, translated from Russian) Don't exert yourself too much, my dear! I've got you.

Panel 2: Action shot of the two of them walking back to the door a short time later; Dimitri's arm drooped over the younger's shoulder, keeping her upright.


(Cont., encouraging) Just keep your eyes open a little while longer. I promise Sym will have something to bring you back to normal.

Panel 3: Cut to a shot of the two of them a few moments later, reaching out to touch the metal bar through the gap in the cell door. You can see it start to glow the same kaleidoscopic color as earlier.

Panel 4: Meanwhile, Sym- in the middle of their spellcasting- a glint of joy and hope flashes on their eyes in reaction to the previous panel's action.


(willing it on, finishing the spell) Return, sweet hearts...RETURN!!

Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. We see the same flash of color painting the background a split second after the faeman's recitation.

Panel 6: Within the snap of one's fingers, we see Eva and Dimitri flying into view from the panel right direction; the pair of them just beginning to let go of their grip on the bar.

Page 56

Panel 1: Cut to a shot of Sym- wings proudly unfurled- snagging the pair of them in their arms before they crash hard into the ground.


(flirty gaze, to Sym; translated from Russian) Hey...


(flirty gaze back, to Dimitri; translated from Russian) Hey...


(Bubble 2) I like the gray on the temple. Looks beautiful on you.


(Bubble 2) Thank you, my love.

Panel 2: They touch back down on the ground a few moments later. You can see Eva in the background looking on with the same amount of love as the couple.


(Cont., concerned) Are you okay? Did they harm you in any way? I have a few spells in the book designed to--


(interjecting) I'm fine! Nothing the Krauts didn't try to level at me in the war.


(Bubble 2) What about Eva?

Panel 3: Sym glances over at their daughter as she lifts her shirt up, revealing a series of scars and little needle injection dots.


(Off-Panel) They used her as a lab rat. They wanted to see if her fae blood could be synthesized into some type of "magic serum" for Army soldiers.

Panel 4: Dimitri moves closer toward his partner with a look of calm reassurance compared to Sym's heightened, bright red rage at the news.



I understand the rush for revenge, Sym. But that's for another day. Right now, we have to get out of here. I'm guessing the Soul Chain that brought us here will do the job.


(Off-Panel) It'll light the way, but...

Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Suddenly, there's a powerful explosion emanating from the off-panel left direction that interrupts their explanatory thought.

Panel 6: Cut to a shot of Gremlin standing in the doorway a short distance from the family- Fragarach gripped firmly in hand- looking on with a sense of friendliness in their eyes.


You must be the fam! The name's Gremlin Allen. I'll be saving you fine folk this evening.


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