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Old Scars, Chapter 3: Part 2.3

Page 59 Panel 1: We see them onboard the Isle a short time later as they fly back to Sym's house. Sym and Dimitri are seated in the back, snuggling one another in a sense of "catching up on lost time." Meanwhile, Eva is in the passenger seat, checking out the ship's control panel.


(grateful, to Grem) From the bottom of my hearts, I cannot thank you enough for what you've done, Gremlin.


(nonchalant, to Sym) All in the day's, Symmie. Right down to the stab wounds in my rib cage.


(curious, to Grem)

What's next on the docket for you, Mr. Allen?


(Bubble 2) Probably some far-off adventure somewhere.

Panel 2: We move to a slight close-up on Gremlin in a moment of contemplation, easily contemplating the answer.


(explanatory, to Dimitri) Quite right, Mr. Volkov. Have you heard the reports of "ghost rockets" hitting Oulu, Finland by chance.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 3, Bubble 1) That's what the newspaper called it. I'm gonna go up there, and see if it's a fake or--

Panel 3: Dimitri tilts his head to the side in a moment of puzzlement at the answer.


"Ghost Rockets?"

Panel 4: Cut to a shot of Eva jumping into the conversation for the first time; her left hand touching the side of the control panel as she speaks.


(interjecting, to Grem) I saw one of them a week ago.

Panel 5: Grem and Dimitri shoot a surprised look at her regarding the answer, looking for more exposition.




What exactly did you see? Enough to determine the shape or...


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 6, Bubble 1) A metaphysical vision?

Panel 6: Back to a shot of Eva, leaning back in her chair; the setting and layout similar to Panel 4.


(correcting, to Grem and Dimitri) I didn't see it in a physical sense.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 5, Bubble 2) Exactly! It was when I finally got some semblance of slumber.

Page 60

Panel 1: Cut to Eva in flashback form, acting out what happened that night as she says it. She tilts her head up to the ceiling; her face bathed in the same white light we connect with the "ghost rocket."


(Cont., Eva)

"I was deep in the throes of my little dreamscape, normal as always, when the "rocket." It looked more like a shrunken dirigible than anything considerably long."


(Cont., Eva)

"...I know you would like to know what said dreamscape was like. But I'm certain, even amongst your travels, you could comprehend the complexities and beauties behind it."

Panel 2: Action shot of her flying up to the sky a short time later to get a closer look at the object; her wings unfurled, longer and slightly more aerodynamic than Sym's.


(Cont., Eva)

"Anyway, I flew up to get a better examination of the object, as those with curiosity are wont to do."



"Entirely fair, E...even with the stuff I've seen! Did you get a proper look at the shape of it?"

Panel 3: We move to an over the shoulder shot of her moments later, watching in mid-flight as she follows the object crossing the nebulous looking blue-green sky.



"Mostly confirmation of my earlier observation. There was one detail I didn't notice though: I swore I could hear singing coming from inside it."



"What kind of singing?"

Panel 4: Back to Eva in the present on the Isle, thinking over the question slightly in search of the answer.


Angry, dripping with rage and melancholy. Yet somehow...gorgeous to the ear. At the end of it, the mysterious voice said something in a Scandinavian tongue of some kind.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 5, Bubble 1) "Kaiku tuntee kaikki kielet. Niin sanoo Louhi."

Panel 5: Thoroughly intrigued at this point, we see Grem all but trying to jump on to the next point of thought that crosses his mind.


What did the voice say?

Panel 6: We move to a shot of the two of them a beat later. You can see Eva looking on with one question on her mind.


You know what language it was, or what they meant?


(shakes his head, thinking) Not a clue...

(thought bubble) The massive knot in my stomach isn't painting a rosy bloody picture though!


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