Old Scars, Chapter 3: Part 3.1
Page 61 Panel 1: Action shot of Mr. Allen in front of Sym's apartment a short time later; the former waving goodbye to the faeman latter and their family.
(Cont., thought bubble) Kaiku, kaiku...where have I heard that word before?
Panel 2: Cut to a shot of the immortal Irishman back to the sky in the direction of Oulu; his mind cracking on a beat later upon remembering the source.
(Cont., thought bubble) Right, Lena! It was about a decade ago, when the two of us were an item. Which was also the last time I was in Finland before now.
Panel 3: A two-part set of panels that starts out with him continuing on the track of thought started in the previous panel.
(Cont., thought bubble) She was trying to teach me the Finnish language, and I was failing- quite miserably! I...
Panel 4: In the second part, the spark of realization finally breaks Grem out of his inner monologue.
(inspired) The echo- that's what that is!
(thought bubble) ...Not sure what it has to do with stopping a potential world ending event though. Let's shift to the other word I caught my eye: Louhi.
Panel 5: Cut to a shot of the control panel a few moments later from Grem's POV, checking out the radar screen on it. You can also see part of the fuel gauge, which is just below half full at this point.
(Cont., thought bubble; Off-Panel) The name is new to me, but somehow...familiar to me as well. I wonder if it's connected to the mystery woman in silks I saw back in India.
Panel 6: Back to a shot of Mr. Allen's face, focused equally between the sky and the control panel as he speaks.
(thinking to himself) Too hungry to spot it now. There should be enough fuel to get me to another town to rest. With the right tweak to the engines and some luck, I may even be able to shave a few days on the way to Oulu--
Page 62
Panel 1: Same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. His thought is interrupted by a weird "BLOOOPP!" coming in from the bottom of the off-panel area.
The hell...?
Panel 2: Cut to a shot of the console where we see a light purple button that pops up just below the radar screen.
(Cont., Off-Panel) I'm way too bloody tired for this to be a trap.
Panel 3: Same setting as the previous panel, with a wider layout to the left to show a message that appears suddenly next to the button. It reads: "For a quicker, smoother journey -E."
Panel 4: The immortal Irishman flashes a half-grin and a brief chuckle at the statement; his left hand reaching out toward the button, while his right holds the wheel.
Gotta give that clever fa my proper thanks when I'm in Russia next. Unless it accidentally dumps half of my body over Iraq.
Panel 5: We move to an exterior shot of the Isle from the sky, disappearing in the same purple smoke that denoted Eva's teleporting escape earlier.
(Cont., Grem)
"Although, mechanical legs could be pretty fun!"