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Old Scars, Chapter 3: Part 3.2

Page 63 Panel 1: The ship reappears in the blink of an eye in a completely different, and more brightly lit afternoon-y type of a scene.

Panel 2: Close-up on Grem at the wheel, quickly looking around to get his bearings with one hand on the wheel; a split between relief and the rush of adrenaline that came from doing it.


Praise the Goddess, all my bits are still there! Now, let's get a look where we are. Hopefully I'm not too far from...

Panel 3: Suddenly, mid-thought, Mr. Allen quickly puts the other hand on the wheel and cranes hard to the left at the sight of a pair of bright lights flashing in his eyes. You can see the "HONK!" sound effect zoom in from off-panel right.

Panel 4: The Isle glides narrowly past moments later the source of those glaring headlights: a massive air dirigible with some type of script written on the side. You can see parts of mid-sized skyscrapers in the lower half of the panel.

Panel 5: A two-part set of panels that moves back to Grem a split second later. In the first part, he looks back at the magic button and starts to reach out.


Okay, I'm in Helsinki. Not Another one should get me the rest of the way to Oulu...

Panel 6: In the second part, just as quick as the words left his mouth in Panel 5, the immortal Irishman stops mid-air upon discovering that the button is gone.


(Cont.) ...unless it disappears completely. Right- there's the luck of the Irish.

Page 64

Panel 1: A two-part set of panels that shows the Emerald Isle pulling up in a 70 degree angle from the streetside that, with seconds pause or hesitation, would've been flattened like a pancake.

Panel 2: In the second part, a short time later, he goes back down into landing position on a clearer stretch of road.

Panel 3: On touchdown, there's a jolt of shaking as tires hit road; a look of relief washing over Grem's face through all this.

Panel 4: He takes in a few deep breaths of relief, pondering other points that befell him at that point. You can see some locals in the background start to move into position in order to get a look at the mystery pilot.


Note to self: work on the shocks. Also, teleportation- not great for the engines...

Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A honking horn breaks up his train of thought a few beats later. He looks over his shoulder at the car responsible for said honking.


(yelling, to the driver) Learn some patience, ya male skin flap!

Panel 6: Action shot of the young/old man a short time later making his way with the Isle firmly in bag; his eyes gazing around the general area scouting out his surroundings.


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