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Old Scars, Chapter 4: Part 1.1

Page 74 Panel 1: In a long hallway with stone walls, a tall woman dressed in a modest light brown top with a matching skirt appears from a portal. You can see the mystery woman's hands marked with what looks like dust, illuminated by a seemingly unearthly glow as she walks.

Panel 2: Cut to a shot of a subordinate a handful of steps away who notices their boss coming by; their body language tensing up at attention as they speak.


(apologetic, translated from Finnish) Goddess Louhi. I--I know you don't like to be interrupted while in quiet contemplation. But there's been a development: an organic lifeform has tried to cross.

Panel 3: We move to an action shot of LOUHI taking off her hood, revealing a woman of middle age with fiery red hair that matches her equally red eyes.


(Cont., Off-Panel) A mortal human, to be precise- native to the time


(intrigued, to Meena) Did you find out what to do with the fleshy remains, Meena?

Panel 4: Meena nods enthusiastically, moving forward a few steps ahead of her boss; the sense of joy leaping out of her voice as she speaks.


It took a while to figure out, compared to extracting his life force. Not to mention factoring in the climate where we landed.

Panel 5: Cut to the two of them a short time later, looking at the man in question (his back to the reader) standing a few feet from them.


(Cont., Meena)

"But I think I found a relatively inconspicuous placement for it!"


What about the Empty Slate?


It's ready for whatever use you see fit, anything from drone work to providing suitable feed for the familiar.

Panel 6: We move to a close-up of Louhi looking the formerly living person up and down, pondering each option in real time.


Good to know...

Page 75

Panel 1: Cut to a shot back in Oulu of Grem and T finding a parking spot just in front of the market later that night. You can see a few buildings in the background illuminated by rudimentary street lights


(Cont., Louhi)

"...especially if we encounter any stragglers before the master plan is initiated."

Panel 2: Close-up on the immortal Irishman a few moments later, taking a deep smell of the air as he closes the door without looking.


(over the moon) Ahhh...nothing like the aroma of gears and fermented grain to excite the spirits!

Panel 3: We move to a shot of T on the driver's side, chuckling and flashing an agreeing grin to the sentiment.


If you say so...! I still have to secure lodging for us for the next few days. So, I'll be out for roughly an hour.

Panel 4: At the front of the car, they stop at the hood of the car; their left hand tapping a section on the hood, activating an armored shell that covers the Timmi.


(Cont.) Promise not to get into too much trouble before I return.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 5, Bubble 1) Fair point. Now...

Panel 5: Mr. Allen nods respectfully at the question a beat later, flashing a look of respect back mixed with a sense of charming playfulness as well.


You have my word. Unless I encounter a loud idiot, then...can't really guarantee as much.


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