Old Scars, Chapter 4: Part 2.1
Page 80 Panel 1: Same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. He turns back toward eye level a few moments later in the direction of the voice.
(Off-Panel) Welcome! Tervetuola! 10-1-10-01-1-00-1...
Panel 2: Cut to a shot of Marek seated in between the gigantic rock bodyguards, dressed in a lovely gray suit and welcoming the immortal Irishman to join him.
(Cont.) Don't mind the Blue Line, they're teddy bears. I use 'em for protection and for..."clearing scores," to use the old American saying.
Panel 3: Action shot of Grem taking a seat across from Marek a few moments later, placing his bag next to him.
(curiously) So. What brings you to the Blessing, Mister...?
(matter of factly, to Marek) Grem Allen. Someone in Utopia told me you have knowledge about the "Magic Tree" that sprouted north of town.
Panel 4: Close-up on Marek a beat later, rolling his eyes in annoyance at the repetition of the question; his mind already picturing the answer before Grem could speak.
(muttering, under his breath) Vittua minua. Another damn fortune seeker...!
Panel 5: Mr. Allen leans in with a modicum of defensiveness to the accusation; his right hand touching the top of the table as he speaks.
It's surely not that, Marek, sir! I'm just looking for someone who could provide me some unique eye toward what it is. Particularly 'cause, deep in my bones...
Panel 6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. After a medium-sized pause, the real reason spills out of his mouth.
(Cont.) ...I think it may portend something horrible for the town, and the world on the whole.
Page 81
Panel 1: Marek carefully looks over the foreigner with a note of contemplation on his face.
I don't doubt your honesty, Mr. Allen. Though I counter we've just gone through 6 years of "something horrible" and lived to tell the tale.
Panel 2: Jumping on top of Marek's thought, Grem counters with a bit of knowledge from earlier that pops back into his head then and there.
True. But you saw what happened in Germany with the Americans and the Soviets...fairly easy for this new peace to go south in a hurry.
Panel 3: Marek takes in the theory, finding the logic weaved within; his face shift toward intrigue compared to Panel 1.
Fair point. How much do you know about the Sampo?
Panel 4: Grem shrugs in regards to the question, answering with as much truth as possible.
Just what I've read in the news, like anyone else. Along with some anecdotal information from a dear friend of mine and someone I met a short while ago.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 5, Bubble 1) Pretty much, yeah.
Panel 5: Marek calms down compared to Panel 3; his eyes looking over at the Blue Line as he speaks.
Ah. Not a lot then.
Panel 6: A beat later, he calls out to the Blue Line on the left side with one single command- who nods subtly in response.
(to L-Blue Line) Pick up the file in my office- middle-drawer...