Old Scars, Chapter 4: Part 2.3
Page 84 Panel 1: Grem checks out the folder for himself a few moments later, going through with an intrigued look on his face upon spotting a familiar point.
I've seen that woman before.
Panel 2: Action shot of Marek grabbing his drink from the tray that Timmo has brought out with the drinks and plate of chips on it.
(stilted laugh) I would highly doubt that, sir. I've seen each photo on that file, and there were no women documented on them.
Panel 3: We move to a wide shot of Mr. Allen taking a pair of photos from the folder and handing them to Marek. You can see the chips in the center of the shot, with each of their respective drinks on both sides.
I have a couple of photos that'd shine doubt on that. She's in the background, wearing the cloak...
Panel 4: Cut to a close-up of the photos, centered around different incidents from the early 19th and early 20th centuries. In the background, you can see a woman dressed in a dark green cloak with the same hair and striking eyes as the young woman who aided Grem a few issues ago.
(Off-Panel) Huh. How did I not notice before?
(Off-Panel) I wouldn't bash yourself too badly, friend. Men ignoring women is about as common as the blue sky.
Panel 5: Marek picks up his Long Drink a beat later, shrugging in regards to the identity of the mystery woman. You can see the photos in his opposite hand as he speaks.
(Cont., Off-Panel) So...any idea?
There's one that pops to mind, though the possibility- even with some of the souls I deal with on a daily basis- is too small to recognize. Are you familiar with a character from the Ilmarinen by the name of Louhi?
Panel 6: The immortal Irishman reaches out to pick up one of the chips; an inquisitive look on his face as he speaks.
Not on a level to claim a marker of expertise.
Page 85
Panel 1: Marek, a split second after taking the sip, lowers the glass back down on the table.
Louhi's a powerful, villainous queen from the Kevala, responsible for a great deal of death and destruction. She's...sort of like the Wicked Queen in Snow White.
Panel 2: Back to Grem a beat later, looking at his Long Drink with a similarly inquisitive look on his face.
(Cont., Off-Panel) Like I said, the chance it is her is quite small. If it is, however, you may be in the right to be fearful for the state of the world.
(thought bubble) Shush, gut...! It's far too early for feelings of dread.
Panel 3: A short time later, we see the immortal Irishman heading back to Utopia on the Emerald Isle; the folder snuggly in his bag on the passenger seat as he looks in in deep thought.
(Cont., thought bubble) On the plus side, I got a whole stack of info about the Sampo's history and its inner workings. Now for the harder part: how the hells to get to the tree without arousing suspicion.
Panel 4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. He stops flying a split second later, pulled toward the sound of cheering in the distance off-panel.
Panel 5: We see a crowd seated in the round around an open field as two teams of two duke it out on the field.