Old Scars, Chapter 4: Part 3.2
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Panel 1: The group takes a seat at a wooden table in front of a food cart mere moments after the reveal of the information.
Fifteen Minutes (And Some Nice Raggmunk Meatball Wraps) Later
(seeking clarification) Make a wish, cause a deadly calamity...still a little puzzled how that works.
Honestly, I'm struggling on that part as well.
Panel 2: Close-up on Grem taking out the photos Marek showed them with his free hand; the other holding the wrap up to his mouth for another bite.
(Cont.) I've got a theory bouncing around, centered on this woman...
Panel 3: Cut to a shot of T and Po a few moments later, looking over the photos Mr. Allen handed them between here and the previous panel.
(Cont., Off-Panel) She pops up in three photos separated by over a century, barely aging a day.
(attracted, looking at the photo) Definitely a looker!
(agreeing nod) Agreed...!
Panel 4: Back to Gremlin a beat later; the setting and layout similar as Panel 2. He continues on the tempo of the story he started in the aforementioned panel; the wrap just below his chin, chewing as he speaks.
(mid chew) Marek says she looks like a witch queen from Finnish antiquity named Louhi--
Panel 5: Upon hearing the name, Po perks up with the energy of information already held in her head being pertinent in the conversation.
(interjecting, open theorizing) Maybe she's one of Louhi's daughters? Or granddaughter-great granddaughter...?
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Panel 1: The theory sparks a great deal of intrigue on Grem's face a beat later, pondering it all as he swallows the food.
(thought bubble) It would certainly explain some things. The depth in her eyes though bely something...deeper than that type of relation.
(speaking, to T and Po) Let's put a pin in it for the moment. I've been talking up a storm since we met again.
Panel 2: T grabs a cup filled with a synthetic gray drink with green bits inside, flashing a look of mild annoyance as they answer the question.
(Cont., Off-Panel) How are you, T? You got that ADU situation sorted?
Got close. Unfortunately, I got outbid for one by some lyijykynä munaa!
Panel 3: The immortal Irishman counters with a touch of an idea that happens to pop into his head at that point in time.
My sympathies. Like I told you on the ride here, I'm a tinkerer by trade. I'd be happy to try to make ya one, with the right parts.
Panel 4: We move back to T, holding back a laugh of surprise that comes out as a cough after hearing the offer.
Thanks, Gremlin. With the money from the bandy match though, I can always snag an ADU from a merchant coming to Utopia in the morning. You're welcome to try though. I've got plenty of parts in the spare room Po's been begging me to finally clear out.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 5, Bubble 1) Do I have any...?
Panel 5: With an ear-to-ear grin, Grem flashes a sense of cocky bravado born out of years of work.
Been moons since I've had a good intellectual challenge...you got any blueprints I can utilize?
Panel 6: Cut to a shot of the ADU blueprint, illuminated by the glow of a ceiling light off-panel. It resembles a human digestive system sculpted primarily from metal and makeshift human skin, right down to the stomach.
Later That Night
(Off-Panel) About on level with hot wiring a dirigible in mid-air.