Old Scars, Chapter 4: Part 4.1
Page 92 Panel 1: The two of them walk back toward the living room a few moments later. You can see Grem look at them over his shoulder with a glint of curiosity.
Hey...what were you guys chatting about?
Just chit chat about the election.
(Bubble 2) Ahh...fascinating mess that is. Just from what I've read anyway.
Panel 2: Slight close-up on T a beat later as they slow up behind the couch; a look of curiosity on their face as the young person shifts the conversation back on point.
True, true. You given a thought how you're gonna get close to that tree?
Panel 3: Mr. Allen starts to gather up his tools and his work, silently putting a pause on it for the moment.
(contemplating as he speaks) Outside of a good old fashioned "Distract 'N Dash"...not a hell of a lot.
Panel 4: Action shot of Po taking a seat on a small recliner near the edge of the living room.
"Distract 'N Dash?" What's that?
Panel 5: Back to the immortal Irishman as he makes his way to rolling up the toolkit as he goes into his explanation.
Sounds like what's on the proverbial tin, Po.
Panel 6: Above the previous panel, we see a brief example of the practice in question: a little stick person launching some type of fiery distraction on a taller authority, and escaping around the side.
(Cont., Grem)
"There's a big, shiny distraction. Usually involving an explosion, though sometimes with a more subtle bit of subterfuge..."
(Cont., Grem)
"...Followed by sliding past 'em inside wherever you're looking to go as they're scrambling to play catch up."
Page 93
Panel 1: Po is hardly that enthused by the description; her left hand gripping the armrest as she speaks.
Sounds as elegant as a metal pipe to the face.
Panel 2: Same setting/layout as Panel 5 of the previous page just as Grem has folded the kit up, and is now moving to wrapping up his ADU work.
A perfect encapsulation of my entire life, if ever I've heard one!
Panel 3: The remark triggers a scoff from the young woman a beat later, shifting her body forward as she levels into her retort.
Speaking of one's "entire life," Mr. Allen...
Panel 4: Grem looks over in a squat and sees the photograph that T reveals in front of him. You can see his face turn a sheet of white, punctuated with bits of red to signify the shock.
You were snooping around my personal effects?
(Off-Panel) I wasn't snooping intentionally. I found it next to your little bag during a pit stop.
Panel 5: Cut to a shot of T, flashing a sympathetic look to try to subsequently lower the temperature in the room.
I know the intrusion is unkind. I apologize profusely- for her. But the questions they spawn are still just as valid, especially given how little we know about your past.
Panel 6: Slight close-up on Mr. Allen taking in the statement in full; his eyes starting to take on more of the red that was partially visible in the area of his cheeks.
(Cont., Off-Panel) I see your capacity for an open, welcoming heart. Just go with your natural instincts now and give us the truth of who you are.
(to T) You're absolutely right...my apologies for any perception of subterfuge on my part. What would you like to know?
Panel 7: We move back to Po following on to the same rhythm of her partner as she chimes in with the big question on her mind.
For starters: Who is the woman in that photograph?