Old Scars, Chapter 4: Part 4.3
Page 96 Panel 1: The two of them share a quick chuckle a beat after the end of the previous page.
Panel 2: After a brief pause between them, T shifts the conversation back to the task at hand.
So, you find a way to get close enough to the Sampo?
Bits and bobs at the moment. Your lady friend tagging along?
Panel 3: Close-up on T shaking their head at the question; her focus split between Grem and the ground.
Nothing against you in particular, Gremlin. It's just, after going through your notebook...
Panel 4: Cut to a shot of Po's face back in the apartment moments before; a look of ironclad certainty in her eyes as she speaks.
I'd very much like to stay far away from magical life threatening crap!
Panel 5: Grem chuckles heartily at the response, respecting Po's honesty at the moment.
Fair enough. I can still use her fine domicile to rest for the night, yeah?
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 6, Bubble 1) Fantastic!
Panel 6: T chuckles and nods their head at the question, reassuring the sense of unease that was in Mr. Allen's eyes in the previous panel.
Of course. Though you're taking the couch.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 5, Bubble 2) Now...the "bits and bobs" you mentioned.
Page 97
Panel 1: We jump to a shot of the following night, focused squarely on Grem and T in the middle of the crowd standing in front of the Sampo.
"Right. We pop up to the site that night, blend in with the crowd...that's the easy part."
Panel 2: Close-up on the two of them a few moments later, showing Grem pulling out a circular metal ball from within.
(Cont., Grem)
"I've got a rechargeable sonic grenade that could do well to--"
"Sonics happen to mess with some of the mechanics in my skull."
"Ah. Good to know, thank you for telling me."
Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The action from the immortal Irishman is similar, though with a different object in hand: a bright yellow rectangle shaped device with a single loop at the center.
(Cont., Grem)
"There's another thing I brought I've been meaning to test out that could work here."
Panel 4: Action shot of Mr. Allen a few moments after setting the device, flinging it out to the panel right direction.
(Cont., Grem)
"I call it the Lughie."
Panel 5: After attaining a proper height in the air, a beam of white-yellow light shoots back down to Earth from within the center of the device.
Panel 6: Back to a wide shot of the crowd moments later; their attention brought toward off-panel right upon hearing singing. You can see T and Grem start to slink through the crowd toward the front of the tree.
(singing, Off-Panel) There's a doctor livin' in your town There's a lawyer, and an Injun too...
"Holy Hell NO...Not Hoagy Carmichael!"
Page 98
Panel 1: T shudders with a mix of knowledge and disgust, picturing the person in question as they speak.
(Cont.) I've seen photos of the man on the music magazines...he screams "supremely creepy" to me.
Panel 2: Grem lets out a quick chuckle, tinged with silent agreement and a curiosity over their suggestion.
Fair point. I plugged it in mainly 'cause of Betty Horton...I'm open to other suggestions, if you got 'em.
Panel 3: Back to T on a slight close-up compared to Panel 1; the perfect idea popping up right then and there.
I have the perfect one...
Panel 4: A two-part set of panels that starts out with a carbon copy of Panel 5 from the previous page.
Panel 5: In the second one, we also see a perfect carbon copy of Panel 6 from the previous page. The lone difference here is in the choice in music for this scene.
(Off-Panel, singing) When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high, and don't be afraid of the dark. At the end of the storm, is the golden sky, and the sweet silver song of the lark...