Old Scars, Chapter 5: Part 1.1
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Panel 1: Cut to a shot of a holographic version of Frank Sinatra playing on an outdoor stage. You can see in the lower edge of the panel view a crowd start to form, listening to the world superstar.
(singing) Walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain Though your dreams be tossed and blown, Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart...
Panel 2: Action shot of Grem and T as they break past the barrier where the audience had formed. You can see some of the people looking panel right, not noticing our two protagonists.
(playful grin, to T) That should do the trick, unless he's somehow in Helsinki and catches wind.
(retort, to Grem) Like he'd ever travel to Finland for a concert.
(Bubble 2) Aye...Finland doesn't seem like a place he'd freely visit. Unless there was a pretty woman involved!
(Bubble 2) Like he could handle any of us...
Panel 3: The two of them arrive a short time later at the flower bed where the last person who tried to enter the Sampo ended up.
Panel 4: Cut to a shot of Grem and T noticing the plot, and sharing a similar sense of dread at what they see.
Ignoring the feeling of doom creeping in my stomach...you got an idea how to open the door?
Panel 5: Slight close-up on Grem a beat later, shifting his head up toward the tree with the slow etching of an idea forming in his mind as he speaks.
More a hypothesis, given the stories of others' encounters.
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Panel 1: A short time later, he lowers himself down on both knees; his eyes focused off-panel left at the Sampo. You can see T behind them looking at the immortal Irishman with some curiosity.
(Cont.) They tried going loud. I figure a quieter tact could be sufficient for the task.
What if it isn't?
Panel 2: Slight close-up on Grem fixing himself into a meditative pose, pondering the answer in real-time along with the shifting. You can see his young compatriot over his right shoulder in the background.
My usual two step. Duck outta sight first, and then- find another way in.
Makes sense. So, what are you gonna wish- or pray- for?
Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. He closes his eyes a split second later as his friend watches on; a knowing grin stitched on his face.
Don't ya know it's bad luck to say what one wishes for.
Says who?
(Bubble 2) The Greeks, I think. Like many good things in life, like democracy and science--
Panel 4: Slight close-up on T, chuckling at the remark from the end of the previous panel; her face ready to match the comment.
--And slavery, and imperial genocide.
(Off-Panel) Touche!
Panel 5: A two-part set of panels that shifts to a sky shot looking down at the two of them a short time later after Grem has properly gotten into a good meditative state.
(Cont., Grem)
"Though one can argue, they're also sins of the whole of continental Europe."
Panel 6: In the second part, the same display from Earth level is visible through a display brought about by a cloudy fog, as if summoned by an exterior source.
(Off-Panel, translated from Finnish) You sure you wanna bother the mistress with these two?