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Old Scars, Chapter 5: Part 1.2

Page 101 Panel 1: Cut to a shot of the Analysts watching the footage from the end of the previous page- VALE and ELA. You can see a smattering of concrete walls in the background, along with other analysts off on separate tasks.


(skeptical, to Vale; translated from Finnish) Let's just do what we did with all the other duds: shoot 'em back out back in the middle of nowhere.


(shakes her head, to Ela; translated from Finnish)

There's something about them- especially the curly haired fellow- that could prove troublesome for the Grand Scheme.

Panel 2: The two of them move over to the side of the cauldron display, reading an endless seeming string of text originating from Earth-level.


(Cont., pointing out)

Just look at what was behind his wish.

Panel 3: We move to a shot of Ela's face a few moments later after reading Grem's wish (which the reader does not ever see).


(partly convinced) Okay, you might have a point. Not that I think either him or his lady friend are a threat.

Panel 4: Back to a shot of Grem in the meditative pose right where we left him. We also see T where we last left them at the same time, beginning to be a little antsy in terms of what's happening.


(Cont., Ela)

"But they could prove a nice opportunity for exercise for the mistress, as well as a suitable warning when the type comes."


Was there any mention of a welcome for whomever entered the Sampo? I'd settle for a decently lit pathway of torches, to balance out the feeling of dark, ominous tunnel...

Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A beam of light hits their face moments later, the same one that hit the traveler back in Issue 3. You can see Grem slowly open his eyes at the same moment, seeing the scene unfurl.


Had to test the fates, didn't you?


(tense, partly sarcastic) I know...This better be bloody quick!


(Bubble 2) In my experience- kinda tossup.

Panel 6: The immortal Irishman hops back quickly to his feet alongside his friend, flashing an empathetic look regarding T's worry.


(Cont.) I can sense the worry from here. There's an old saying my ma used to tell me in my formative years I always found a comfort...

Page 102

Panel 1: Cut to a back shot of the two of them walking into the opened doorway of the Sampo a few moments later. All we see of them is a pair of silhouettes in the center of the panel view.


(Cont., Grem)

"Life is like a cup of tea. It's all in how you make it!"

Panel 2: A beam of light stretching out from the previous panel to the action of this one reveals our protagonists standing in the middle of a medieval styled hallway.


(deep relieved exhale) That experience.


(stilted laugh, getting his bearings) Aye...congrats on getting your "Dimensional Travel" badge.


(Bubble 2) Thanks. Prefer not to do that again.


(Bubble 2)

If we're successful, T my friend, I can promise such an outcome.

Panel 3: The two of them get situated a few moments later. You can see a renewed determination in Mr. Allen's eyes as he searches, along with T, for the path to follow.


Speaking of which- there should be some type of door nearby...

Panel 4: Slight close-up on T a short time after that, spotting something interesting in the distance. You can see Grem in the background starting to turn his head to catch a look.


I see something!

Panel 5: Resting on a jutted out rock is a European nightjar, with a lower half that blends into the rocks and a face that stands out for its striking beauty.


(Cont., Off-Panel) A European nightjar? Okay...!

Panel 6: Action shot of the two of them slowly walking toward the unmoving nightjar cautiously and with a shared sense of fascination at the discovery.


What's a European nightjar?


(explanatory) They're nocturnal birds, fairly common in Finland. Its' plumage is quite bright, which is rare for the breed. Usually, they're...


(Bubble 2) What people consider Summer to be like in Finland?


(Bubble 2) ...An elegant, if not slightly blunt choice of words!


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