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Old Scars, Chapter 5: Part 1.3

Page 103

Panel 1: Just as they come within striking distance of the bird, it suddenly zips away panel left with a "FATHOOM" that catches them off-guard.


I don't need to tell you "FATHOOM" isn't a normal bird thing, do I?


You do not!

Panel 2: A two-part set of panels that comprises a set of action shots of Grem and T chasing after the bird as it zips past the hallway at different points...

Panel 3: ...the area around slowly changing as they go on. You can see the sweat start forming on their respective foreheads at this point.

Panel 4: Cut to a shot of the nightjar disappearing behind a wall, beating our protagonists by a matter of seconds.


(catching their breath) Son of a...bitch!


(slight laugh, equally sweaty) Agreed...still beats chasing...after Rocs though.


(Bubble 2) Should I ask...what they are?


(Bubble 2) ...Later.

Panel 5: After they regain a sense of normal breathing again, Mr. Allen reaches into his bag for something; T looking over from the background panel left area.


What are you looking for?


A little liquid refreshment as I think.

Panel 6: He pulls out a flask a few moments later, handing it to the young person with a knowing slyness on his face.


(Cont.) A bit of Bushmills, a kind of whiskey- 1851 to be exact.

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Panel 1: T has the bottle opened and takes a whiff of its contents with a curious glint on their face.


Looks a little like soda pop.


(Off-Panel) Hmmm...interesting descriptor.

Panel 2: Action shot of them taking a good swig of the flask a few beats later.

Panel 3: Cut to a shot of Grem a beat later, searching for something as the taste test is going on. He chuckles and flashes a bright grin, hearing their reaction proudly.


(Off-Panel) WOOO!


Good whiskey tends to do that! I'm partial to the 1851 myself.


(Bubble 2, Off-Panel) Any reason why?


(Bubble 2) ...Just a pretty good year- the last 1/3 of it anyway.

Panel 4: Moments later, the immortal Irishman pulls out a metal lock shaped like a frisbee and containing three separate circles around toward a red button at the center.


(Cont., intrigued) This should do nicely.

Panel 5: A two-part set of panels that shows Mr. Allen from the side walking up to the area where the nightjar disappeared to, attaching a device onto the wall.


What is it?


A rotating skeleton key. It attaches to any solid door and magnetically unlocks the lock mechanism wherever it's attached.


(Bubble 2) And you think it'll work with magic doors?


(Bubble 2) ...Couldn't hurt!


(Bubble 3) How long does it usually take?


(Bubble 3) Few minutes. Probably longer given any magical boffins that might be...

Panel 6: In the second part, a short time later, the device falls with a "THUD!" and subsequently showing the invisible doorway to our surprised protagonists.




That a good "Ah" or a bad "Ah?"


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