Old Scars, Chapter 5: Part 4.3
Page 121 Panel 1: Cut to a beautiful nighttime shot of Paris a short time later, bubbling and full of life like any other evening. The only sign of danger comes from a faint flicker of white in the upper right corner of the panel view.
Panel 2: Cut to the City Hall on the Rue de Rivoli moments later when the "Ghost Rocket" crashes smack dab on the street, pavement exploding in all directions and causing cars to steer away from the impact as well as a dirigible that already steered away before.
Panel 3: A crowd forms around the impact site shortly afterward; local police officers just coming into the scene to begin a set of control over the situation. You can see, though unbeknownst to the people there, a green mist start to arise from the crater
Panel 4: Slight close-up on a section of the crowd- primarily men- who inhale the smoke with no idea as to its effects on them.
Panel 5: The impact of the smoke starts to dawn on them, along with the rest of the crowd, a short time later. We see some of the men, both from the previous panel and other men in the same setting then now visible, felled with violent abdominal pain.
Page 122
Panel 1: A full page spread showing the men at different stages of a horrific transformation into vermin of varying shapes and sizes. You can see the agonizing pain and torture on each of the men's face as they go through their respective hellish body horror, along with the terror in the eyes of the other unaffected people at the same time.