Old Scars, Chapter 6: Part 1.1
Page 123 Panel 1: We open up on at the same point we left Issue 5; the screen showing off the bloody horror going on in Paris.
(Off-Panel) By the Gods...a proper Circe!
Panel 2: Cut to a shot of Grem watching this all take place with stunned disgust and amazement, glancing to the right at Louhi just as she's about to leave the panel view.
(Cont., to Louhi) This is your endgame, turning asshole men into different kinds of vermin? On one level, I get and appreciate the poetic justice displayed.
Panel 3: Slight close-up on the immortal Irishman a beat later, tilting his head directly in the sorceress' direction to finish the rest of his thought.
(Cont.) But there's a flavor of nihilism hidden underneath it, chucking tomorrow to the garbage can over the reassuring glow of the past. Unless...
Panel 4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A beat flashes by, and the answer falls perfectly into place in his head.
(realization) Ahh- it's a plan for saviorhood...burn the world just to save it in the nick of time! There's a classic bit of sheet music. Though fair warning, the last one who tried it...did not end up well.
Panel 5: Action shot of Grem felled by a powerful blast from Louhi as a silent, angry response to the previous banter.
Panel 6: The sorceress looms over the immortal Irishman with hands brimming over with magical energy.
(ready to do business) I'm more than happy to change that particular tune, Gael...!
Page 124
Panel 1: Cut to a shot of Grem on the ground, stretching out as far as he can to the bag on the floor as he speaks. The trousers have been shot off as a result of the lbast, revealing his Fragarach for the first time.
(pained, to Louhi) Wait, wait...! I don't have magic powers. It's not a fair fight...
Panel 2: A beat later, he turns back around and summons an electric shield that blocks the next magical burst from the sorceress. You can see his opposite hand reaching into the bag for a weapon.
(Cont.) If we're gonna be fair, shouldn't we be on even ground for the fight?
Panel 3: We move to a shot of Louhi, raising an upturned eyebrow a beat later with a modicum of curiosity onto the question.
What do you propose?
Panel 4: A wide side view of the pair of them fighting hand-to-hand for a time, broken up into little blow-by-blow sections; Grem holding his steady blade and the energy shield, countered by Louhi's invisible shield. In the background, you can see one of the screens flashing to another part of the world just as another "Ghost Rocket" crashes down.
Something that doesn't involve explosions or summoning portals or near death.
So, anything that makes you feel the superior favorite?
(Bubble 2) It has more to do with a change of pace than any sprucing up of one's quasi-decent fighting skills. Most of the battles I have involve the explosions and the fight and the near death. I figure somewhere else might be fun...
Panel 5: Close-up a split second after the last action block, showing Louhi drop kicking Mr. Allen squarely in the stomach; her face showing an increasing amount of interest at the offer.
Hmmm...what did you have in mind?