Old Scars, Chapter 6: Part 2.1
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Panel 1: Cut to a shot of the Timmi, ensconced in armor back in the lot just outside the Sampo. It remains unscathed by the action that has occurred thus far.
(Cont., T)
"I had to leave it miles from here near the Sampo, due to a mixture of bad luck and...well, you've seen the rest."
"Ah. I may have the remedy for that misfortune...!"
Panel 2: Back to a shot of Timmo inside the shop, tilting his head to the side and flashing a suggestive look back at the young person regarding their troubles.
(Cont.) My brother Keppo is out around that area, leading survivors to shelter. I can give 'em word to...
Panel 3: T shakes their head at the offer; their focus peeled down to a screen display on the young person's right wrist.
I appreciate the offer. But I have my own way to retrieve it.
Panel 4: Same setting/layout as Panel 1. Moments after the command given by the young person in the previous panel, we see the automobile revving up; one of the animals- a pigeon- flying up, shocked by the roar of the engines.
Panel 5: Action shot of the Timmi moments later, taking off into the sky in a roar of flames and power up to meet its owner once more.
"By bloody Zeus...that defender!"
Page 130
Panel 1: As this goes on, on another dimensional Hurler pitch, we see Grem seated on a bench during a timeout. He's all kinds of sore and bloody with the team in similar shape around him following what was a considerably hard fought game up to this point. In the right corner of the panel is a layout of the score: "Team Louhi 3, Team Grem 3."
(Cont.) Last time I was this sore after a hit, I was getting my hat handed by Victorian Roarers in the middle of the Ottoman.
(confused) "Roarers?"
(Bubble 2) ...Before your time.
Panel 2: Slight close-up on Mr. Allen leaning toward another teammate seated next to him, flashing a bit of curiosity as he glances over at the other side of the field.
(Cont., to Teammate #2) Are you proper flesh, or one of her cloth constructs?
(quick nod) Flesh and what could be considered bone.
(Bubble 2) Good enough for me. I'm guessing you've worked for Louhi for awhile.
(Bubble 2) That's one way to put it.
(Bubble 3) Maybe you can fill me in on Big Ugly over there; if there are any big weaknesses we could use.
(Bubble 2) No idea, honestly. That's way above my paygrade.
Panel 3: Cut to a shot of Big Ugly on the other side of the pitch- a Hulking behemoth with giant muscles and an overall presence like a massive tree.
(Cont., Teammate #2)
"I heard rumors from a friend of mine it was infused with the soul of the last human who barged into the Sampo before you did."
Panel 4: The last part of the information sparks an idea in the immortal Irishman's eyes, along with a playful grin.
Panel 5: As the game goes on, we see one of the other players shooting a past toward Grem, igniting a scoring chance. You can see Big Ugly standing in the panel right direction readying the defense.
Panel 6: He moves ever closer a couple of beats later; Big Ugly now firmly planted, and prepped for the clash of bodies that will happen momentarily.