Old Scars, Chapter 6: Part 3.1
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Panel 1: We see the two of them start to gather at the center of the pitch to start play once again. You can see the referee in the center of the shot; the ball reappearing and descending into their palm.
Gotta say, this has a nice cinematic quality. Like an Eroll Flynn movie, but less facial hair...and less rape.
(mocking chuckle) For once, we are in agreement!
Back in Oulu, as this is taking place, we see the Timmi coming to a hard stop in front of a falling electrical pole; sparks shooting out as a result of the collision.
Panel 3: Close-up on T at the driver seat a few seconds later as the sparks settle down. They glance down at the automobile's console, trying to come up with a plan.
(panicked) C'mon, c'mon, c'mon...! This is not the time to crap out. Just one little...
Panel 4: Action shot of the Timmi catching air courtesy of a big toboggan that wraps around the automobile, shooting it just above the flickering electrical poles.
Panel 5: A split second later, the Timmi's rockets come to life to take on the rest of the way through the impediment till it...
Panel 6: ...lands back on the road with a decent amount of shaking as a result, while keeping the automobile in one piece.
(popping off the top of the car) Ah! Helppoa kuin lapsen lyömine...
Page 136
Panel 1: We move back to T in the driver's seat, turning their attention as they drive to the car radio in search of something else.
(Cont.) Let's see if YLE's back on-air. Then I can start to get Po back on the...
Panel 2: Cut to the radio a few moments later, showcasing T's hand fiddling around the nobs when...
(from the speaker, crackily) H--Hello?
Panel 3: The young person recognizes the voice almost instantly; their eyes growing ever brighter with love and relief connected to their partner.
Po?! Thank God, you're alive!
Panel 4: Cut to a shot of Po back at the apartment, holding along with the phone a bo staff with a 5" long blade attached at the top. You can see her tense gaze placed toward the panel right direction.
(Cont., from the phone speaker) Are you okay?
(apprehensive nod) An open question, given the news, but...yeah. Couldn't be happier to live in a mostly mecha neighborhood- and that I badgered you for an emergency walkie a few years ago.
(Bubble 2) True, true.
(Bubble 2) How's your Irish friend with the weird name?
(Bubble 3) Gremlin? Not sure. I got yanked shortly after getting inside the Sampo. You know anything more 'bout this people changing virus, how far out it is?
Panel 5: We move back to T at the wheel, listening to their partner's explanation, holding back the nerves as she speaks.
(from the speaker) Well, our neighbor Armon says he heard from a friend in Rome before the phones cut out that Italy's dealing with the same thing. Most of the continent, too.
(Bubble 2) Wouldn't surprise me if the Americans are dealing with this same nonsense.
Panel 6: Cut to a slight close-up on Po's face, shifting to a question that is hopeful and worried at the same time.
(Cont.) You think your Irish friend's gonna save us?