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Old Scars, Chapter 6: Part 3.2

Page 137 Panel 1: T ponders the question for a time, unsure how to answer 'cause they don't really have a proper answer to it.


I genuinely wish I had a better answer than "I don't know," my love.

Panel 2: They come to a hard stop suddenly in the middle of the young person's thought. T tilts their gaze upward at the bellowing growl shooting in from off-panel right.


(from the speaker) What is it?


(reassuring) A minor inconvenience...I'll be back in your loving, strong arms soon enough.

Panel 3: Close-up on Po's face a beat later, welling up with a rush of fear and loving hope at what's underneath T's previous statement.


You better! Love you.


(from the phone speaker) Love you too...!

Panel 4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The line on T's end cuts off a beat later, leaving her to stew over the uneasiness of what's to come.



"Okay, this has been one of those days that feels like a week."

Panel 5: Cut to a shot of T looking into the backseat of the car, rummaging around for something to use. You can see the bear-like creature looming outside in the background via the front window.


(Cont.) So I'm going to make this quick 'cause I'd rather end this night in sweat and bed sheets, not fur and human hair. Now, where's the--?

Panel 6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The Timmi shakes a beat later, caused by the bear ramming into the front, and interrupting the young person's thought rudely.

Page 138

Panel 1: Action shot of the now perturbed young person stepping out of the car a few moments later, wearing a catcher's mitt sized glove with a pair of needles attached at the tips of the middle and ring fingers.


I was hoping to sell this to doctors with unruly patients. But a noxious man transformed into a bear works too...

Panel 2: T charges at the creature who moves forward at a similar speed; the glove raised up in an attacking pose, matched by the man-bear's right claw.

Panel 3: Before they could use the glove, the bear connects with a solid punch to the young person's face, sending them off to the side.

Panel 4: Sore and unfazed, T rares up for another go. You can see a little glow from the base of the glove as they speak.


Lucky shot...!

Panel 5: A two-part set of panels that first shows the young person taking to the air moments later, avoiding another slashing blow from the creature before...

Panel 6: ...landing onto its back in the second part, held on by some type of super adhesive liquid; the bear growling in pain and annoyance as a result.


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