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Old Scars, Chapter 6: Part 3.3

Page 139 Panel 1: The scene quickly turns into a bronco busting-type battle on the road; T grabbing the side of the animal with their opposite hand as they rare back with the glove hand to get it into position.

Panel 2: A short time of bouncing and shaking go by, and the young person finally gets the perfect position to do the job.


Just...a little while...longer!

Panel 3: Close-up moments later as the pair of needles are plunged squarely in the creature's back, eliciting a growl from off-panel left followed by...

Panel 4: arm grabbing T and throwing them off its back in response to the action.

Panel 5: T pulls themselves up from the powder they landed in, which somewhat blunted the impact of the throw. They look over at the creature off-panel, relieved but sore overall.


(thought bubble, taking off the glove) Is it so much to ask for a softer landing spot? Hopefully, the anaesthetic can buy me enough time to drive...

Panel 6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The young person stops walking a beat later, struck by an interesting development.


(Cont., thought bubble) ...home.

(speaking, curious) It's really silent, all of a sudden. Not that I'm complaining, but...few good things come from this level of silence.

Page 140

Panel 1: Cut to a shot of the road stretching out to the left, representing from T's POV checking out the battered scenery of the road they've passed by.


(Off-Panel) Please let me be wrong. Please let me be wrong. Please let me be wrong...

Panel 2: A short time later, we see an aerial shot of a damaged street near Po's neighborhood. You can see some of the animal/people on the street, not moving an inch all of a sudden.


(Cont., T)

"Just as silent and not on fire as the outskirts- a good sign."

Panel 3: A two-part set of panels that moves back to T at the wheel of the Timmi, going down the same road from the previous panel.


(Cont., daring to be hopeful) Maybe...Maybe Grem beat Louhi somehow. But there are still a lot of creature peeps out there. If he'd won, wouldn't they be changing back by now? Could be a gradual thing...maybe!

Panel 4: In the second part, a short time later, a similar hard fwooshing sound from the beginning pierces the silence for the first time which catches them off-guard.


(looking up slightly) What the hell?

Panel 5: Cut to a shot from their POV, looking out at a white streak that passed them by toward a separate location.


(Off-Panel) Looks like another Ghost Rocket. But it doesn't appear to be landing anywhere.


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