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Old Scars, Chapter 6: Part 4.1

Page 141 Panel 1: After a few moments of thought, T shakes their worries off and focuses back on to the road.


Probably nothing- my nerves playing tricks with my head.

Panel 2: A short time later, just outside of Po's front door, we see T wearily walking back; the Timmi parked off-panel right.


(Cont., T)

"Nothing a drink and something grilled couldn't fix."

Panel 3: The door opens, and we see Grem and Louhi in the living room with Po sharing stories over glasses of wine. Grem looks over in T's direction as a result of the scream directed his way.


(Off-Panel) What the FUCK, Irishman?!


(to Po) Your dear amor's back home.


(curious, to Grem) You genuinely think they won't try to kill me for what I did to them?


(Bubble 2, to Louhi) T's good at their core. You'll be fine once I lay the story out in full.


(Bubble 2, Off-Panel) ...Is that Louhi?!

Panel 4: Grem quickly runs toward the visibly angry young person, holding his wine glass in his left hand as he seeks to bring about an explanation for Louhi's appearance.


(looking for an explanation) What the hell happened while I was gone? Have you been in league with her this whole time? Was this whole adventure some ruse to--?


(interjecting, to T) It's all been genuine. We won, the world's safe (for today at least).


(Bubble 2) Okay. Then why the hells is the woman behind it in my partner's living room sipping wine?


(Bubble 2) I was just about to get there. It's because she's turned a new leaf.

Panel 5: T is just as puzzled as they were in the previous panel, mouth agape as they try to comprehend what happened.



Panel 6: Just as Mr. Allen is set to dive into a proper explanation, we see Louhi glide into the picture standing in the panel left area ready to fill in the answer herself.


It's a long and kind of simple story, actually.

Page 142

Panel 1: We flashback to the other dimensional pitch moments after we left Louhi and Grem, with the latter a handful of steps ahead of the former; the ball steadily guided on his stick.


(Cont., Louhi)

"We were nearing the end of a spirited game of Hurling (which basically is Bandy with a coarser name) with the planet on the line."



"A normal and not weird part of the story."



"Definitely normal in my life. Anyway, we were near the end, and I was about to make the winning goal."

Panel 2: Cut to a shot of Grem a short time later, standing 10 feet from goal and getting ready to shoot. There's the shadow of Louhi faintly off-panel right, though still distant enough not to be viewed as a threat.


(Cont., Grem)

"As I was ready to shoot though, I felt this tinge in the back of my head. What happens after I win, and the world returns to its...less than superb normal?"

Panel 3: Slight close-up on Mr. Allen's face a second after revving down from the "shoot first" glint of the previous panel, showing now a contemplative train of thought.


(Cont., Grem)

"There's little chance the majority of those affected would somehow turn over a new leaf. In all likelihood, they'd return to being right arseholes and treating women like Maarika as disposable; the system underneath them ensuring that they never face an ounce of punishment."


(Cont., Grem)

"And I also thought about my beloved Margaret, and all the times as kids we dreamt about making the world a truly better place. This was one of those moments, staring me right in the face."

Panel 4: Action shot of Grem a few beats later, dropping the stick on the ground; his body turned around in Louhi's direction to face her. You can partly see the goalie in the background looking on with surprise and curiosity.


(Cont., Grem)

"So I took a deep breath and...plunged deep into the unknown."


(to Louhi) I declare a tie...!


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 5, Bubble 1) Aye. And thus, an alternative set of stakes for both of us: You stop the fog on Earth and bring everyone back, and I'll help you achieve vengeance for your daughter Maarika- the right way.

Panel 5: Louhi stops over a handful of feet from her target, looking at her opponent with a degree of mistrust at the proclamation.


A tie?


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 4, Bubble 2) I'm okay with that, so long as you answer why you offer it now when victory is this close for you.

Panel 6: The immortal Irishman takes a few steps forward toward the sorceress and jumps in to the rationale behind the change of mind.


The "victory" has become far less palatable than it was before. Not to say I'm onboard changing people into animals, but your greater goal- a better world for women in it...


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