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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 1: Part 2.3

Page 11

11.1: On Mowannis Prime, we see the mysterious witness SAYENNE in their apartment going through some medium-stress aerobic exercise using metal batons and a 6’ punching dummy.

11.2: Sayenne stops training a moment later, heightened to fight by a loud BANG sound coming from off-panel left.

11.3: They quickly pop up in the hallway, grabbing a long spear-like weapon with a barrel at the end strapped to the wall as they run.

11.4: Cut to a shot of the informant’s face at the window looking at the normal street level traffic below, signified by the innocent sound of autos and foot traffic that filter into view.


(calming themselves down)

All’s good…just the paranoia dancing the merriest jantig in my head- again!

11.5: Later that night, in the kitchen, the spy cleans off the plate that was their dinner. From off-panel right, you can hear the narrator from an HV show on Historic Beschuldigigs.



The decision from the Supreme Court to allow MP Trechian’s Writ of Nonc-Etence shocked the whole of Alliance society at the time. There were rumors that his chief of staff actually had some blackmail toward the Chief Justice, though it–

11.6: They glance to the left at the sound of a ringing comm from the other room, which blur out the HV screen; their eyebrow upturned curiously at the development.

Page 12

12.1: On the other end is a station chief for the intelligence service on O’Julana, THEODONNA, dressed in a dark blue dress suit.


Agent Theodonna…any news from the Crowns, or at least from the Request for Asylum?


(from the comm)

Nothing from either, no- still in deliberation prior to a decision. This is a standard call to ensure the lock on the “sensitive Alliance information” is still functioning as we installed.

SAYENNE (Bubble 2) Criapp–sorry! Been having some trouble sleeping the past few datums, and…

THEODONNA (Bubble 2) Understandable, Mx. Krkyn.

SAYENNE (Bubble 3) Let me double check it now.

12.2: Cut to the young person moments later in their bedroom, standing in front of an opened safe while still on the comm


All’s good, same as always.


(from the comm)

Good, good…

SAYENNE (Bubble 2)

Are you sure there’s not more regarding my Asylum? I mean, a lock check- at least if Alliance military high command is any indication- can be achieved by one of the guardsmen stationed outside this safe house.

THEODONNA (Bubble 2)

Mx. Krkyn…!

12.3: Slight close-up on Sayenne’s face a beat later, going into a spiel that bubble and rumble about in their head on more than one occasion.


It’s been two monats since I got this info out, and bolted from my uber comfy job. You know how vengeful the TA gets to leakers, especially someone as high as–


(from the comm)

I know…!


(Bubble 2)

I get the politics of it all, going through proper channels and all that. But I’ve seen the S-Clahmps in action first hand on cleaner raids on the border edges. Once they spot a target, that target ends up dancing with the bett’n Eye!


(Bubble 2)

It won’t be long. I talked with an informant of ours on the Ashmaker who talked with Director Palyel just yesterdat. There was some confidence that a courier to help get your information to the Palace would be arriving fairly–

12.4: A creak of the front door pulls Sayenne’s attention a split second later; their body tensing up as they close the safe door to the side.


You weren’t kidding when you said quick.


(from the comm)

What are you talking about?


(Bubble 2)


(Bubble 2)

Be safe. The backup I mentioned should be there, with all speed.


(Bubble 3)


12.5: Back in the hallway moments later, we see them quietly creeping up to the aforementioned spear/laser weapon we saw in the previous page.

12.6: They quickly snag the weapon in mid-stride a few beats later. You can see part of a shadow pop into view from the would-be assassin that remains unseen at this point.

12.7: Sayenne disappears from view, and there are punches and laser blasts delivered out of view off-panel right. The outcome at this point is seemingly in doubt at this point…


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